
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Research Background
Last decades have witnessed a growing awareness of establishing English as acourse of study among primary schools in China. As a response to the tide of times,Ministry of Education has issued a New English Curriculum Standard which clearlyspecifies that English should be a compulsory subject in most China's primary schoolsin the immediate future. However, it is impossible to overlook the negative influenceof the traditional English teaching which attaches great significance to students'academic achievement, or put it in other words,it is of an examination-orientedlanguage teaching. Numerous grammar exercises drive students to leam by rote and inspite of the fact that quite a great deal of vocabularies have established in their minds,英语论文,they still feel very awkward to say even a complete sentence. Hence how to teachprimary school students in a new way becomes a key as well as a challengingquestion for their teachers.Indeed, there is an appropriate method of English classroom teaching widelyacknowledged by a host of scholars. That is using classroom activities to generate theunderlying motivation of pupils and sustain it for their further progress. To be specific,the forms concerning group discussion, role playing,singing songs, watching films,playing games,to mention but a few, all above containing an element of fun can beintroduced in English classroom teaching. These activities can not only lower pupils*anxiety but also provide opportunities for authentic communication.

1.2 Objectives of the Study
In China,researches on English teaching in primary school have a long historyand extraordinary achievements have been represented. However, it is of necessity toindicate that most of the researches have been concentrated on teaching English at thecity level. Whereas teaching English in countryside primary schools is rarelyaddressed,not to mention comparison between the two different regions. As we allknow, traditional English classroom teaching is spoon-fed education which meansstudents are expected to accept the teaching contents without questioning them. WhileEnglish classroom teaching involving activities will provide a new angle for Englishteaching.Consequently, this thesis carries out an empirical study of English classroomactivities in primary school with the aim of stimulating students' interest in Englishlearning and increasing their participation degree in classroom activities. In addition,英语论文题目,the research pays close attention to the effectiveness of classroom activities in primaryschool. In accordance with the issuing of New English Curriculum Standard, theresearch can without any doubt offer some practical and valuable advices aboutestablishing a better English teaching pattern for children in primary schools.

Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1 Classroom Activities
Generally speaking, the application of classroom activities should accord withteaching contents, and it is widely acknowledged that classroom activities havepenetrated into the four main aspects of English teaching, namely, listening,speaking,reading, and writing. These activities would not only strengthen the practicalapplication of language skill,but also facilitate extra-linguistic skill building, for
