
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22


Chapter One Introduction 第一章 引言
  With the development of the society and economics, English learning becomes more and moreimportant, but many students have lost interest in English learning in China. Because the students have toaccept the endless exams and follow the teachers to recite so many words, phrases, dialogues andgrammatical rules, the students are sure to lose interest in English learning. The students’ purpose oflearning English is to recite the boring English words, phrases and grammatical rules and get high marks inthe different kinds of exams, hence, more and more students are not interested in English. Once thestudents lose interest, the students will fail in English learning. It is said by Einstein, “Learning interest isthe best teacher.” According to the psychological experiment, when the people are interested in something,they will do it actively and initiatively. When the people do the things that they are interested in, they willexpress above eighty percent, otherwise they will express below twenty percent. The experiment shows thatinterest plays a crucial role in English learning (Chen Hong, 2017). What is interest? In my opinion, it’ssomething that can make you happy, joyful, excited, active and energetic. It’s something that can make youpay attention, it’s something that can make you successful. If the students learn with interest, they will behappy to learn, and enjoy learning.English learning interest plays an important role in English teaching and learning, if the students’interest is aroused, the students will have the strong desire to learn. And language learning mainly dependson the English learning surroundings, as if our mother tongue learning depends on our surroundings. Forexample, when we see someone drink water, at the same time, we ourselves need water, we will try our bestto listen and learn “water” to acquire this word (Huang Meilin, 2017). But when we learn English, we areforced to learn and recite grammatical rules to pass the exam, not to talk with others and learn with interest.We can’t not only talk but also understand the native speakers. So it is important to learn with interest andacquire the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, not to pass the exam. During the cultivation ofEnglish learning interest, the teachers play a key role to ask the students to be interested in their classes.The thesis mainly aims at cultivating the students’ English learning interest, it also proposes moremethods to cultivate the students’ interest so as to contribute a great help to the English teaching quality.
  1.1 Research Background 探讨背景
In the past twenty years, the traditional method is widespread, more and more teachers, schools andstudents are influenced by traditional teaching methods, some teachers also have the English class like this:read and translate. So many students have lost interest in the process of English learning. From elementaryschool to university, the students have to accept the endless exams and follow the teachers to recite so manywords, phrases, dialogues and grammatical rules, the students are sure to lose interest in English learning.With the development of the New English Curriculum Standard, it mainly aims at motivating anddeveloping the students’ learning interest,英语毕业论文
