
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22


Chapter One Introduction引言

  1.1 The Background of the Study探讨背景
  In the 17 century Czech educator Jan Amos Komensky put forward the hypothesis that one teacherteaches many students at the same time is possible, which lays the foundation for the establishment ofclassroom teaching. Then with the development by Johann Friedrich Herbart and N. A. Kaiipob, etc.,classroom teaching gradually becomes the major form of education abroad. In China, as the educationalreform carries out, more and more educators and researchers have realized that classroom teaching is amulti-dimensional and multi-level system in which questioning is the essential element to build up acreative education. In the process of how classroom teaching proceeds, according to Gall (1970: 719),teacher questioning seems to be “the basic unit underlying most methods of classroom teaching”. Thus,both educational researchers and linguistic researchers have paid more attention to teachers’ questions(Nunan, 1989).As a common teaching skill, teacher questioning, which is used at every stage of teaching, plays animportant role in classroom teaching. It can arouse students’ interest; help students grasp the key points anddifficult points; check students’ knowledge or understanding and give students practice. Chuska (1995)states that teacher questioning can help students link current learning with previous and even subsequentlearning. In addition, it can help teachers find out what pupils do or do not know and understand and thengive the instructor immediate feedback. Furthermore, a well designed question can not only stimulatestudents’ caving for knowledge, but also encourage students to participate in question-answering anddevelop their critical thinking and communicative competence as well. In the process of answeringquestions, students produce output, adjusting their language properly to make their language morecomprehensive, and turn the knowledge that they have learned  practice, which in turn enhances theirlearning. the above we can see that teacher questioning is of crucial importance,  because it is not only theessential need for teachers to conduct teaching, but also provide necessary stepping stones tocommunication (Brown 1994:165). And also, we should be aware of the fact that the question types andquestioning strategies teachers use influence the quality of the classroom teaching and the way learners uhe language. In this way, the research on teacher questioning in classroom is exceedingly significant to thelanguage teaching and learning. And, improving and enhancing the quality of teacher questioning is theobjective and need of implementing education for all-round development.

  1.2 The Significance and Purpose of the Study探讨的意义和目的
  The study is of significance in the following two respects:First and foremost, although a great number of researches and discussions have been conductedon teacher questioning, most of them mainly focus on input and output of the target language, classroominteraction, the analysis of the teacher talk, and classroom silence, and seldom is it used to study thestudents’ participation in question-answering. This paper will be helpful to activate the classroominteraction between teacher
