
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22


Chapter 1 Introduction引言

1.1 Research Background探讨背景
Since China carried out the opening up and reform policy in the year of 1978, English, as a foreignlanguage taught and learned in our country, has been gaining importance at an accelerated rate in ourcountry. Many aspects related to English teaching and learning have changed rapidly with the increasingattention paid by the Ministry of Education and every level of educational administration across China. Thedevelopment of English teaching materials is one of the main changes.In the year of 2017, the Ministry of Education designed the Outline for Basic Education CurriculumReform (Trial), which indicates the initiation of the curriculum reform. The goal of the English curriculumin the fundamental education period is to build students’ ability of comprehensive language utilization onthe basis of language knowledge, language skills, affective attitude, learning strategies and culturalawareness. In the light of that, National English Curriculum Standards of Compulsory Education forFull-Time Senior High Schools (the new curriculum) was put forward in 2017, and afterward the EnglishCurriculum Standards for Senior High School (draft) in April, 2017. Then, in accordance with that, avariety of English teaching textbooks are compiled, such as Senior English for China (SEFC), NewStandard English, Senior High English (SHE), Oxford English, and the rigid framework of “one syllabus,one textbook” is broken in China. More importantly, the local education departments, on principle, have thefreedom to choose the textbooks.Senior High English (SHE for short) is also one of those English teaching textbooks compiledaccording to the English Curriculum Standard for Senior High School, published by Beijing NormalUniversity Press (BNUP for short) in 2017. Cao Ruizhen (2017), the associate chief editor of SHE,mentions that SHE attaches importance to the development of students,  pays attention to the cultivation ofstudents’ learning strategies and provides enough language support for developing students’ ability of usinglanguage, which shows that SHE encourages students to be independent and active learners. So, from thecompiler’ evaluation on SHE, it can be seen that SHE conforms to the compiling thinking of the newcurriculum standards for senior high school and can be used by students and teachers as one of mainEnglish teaching materials.Henan province conducted its English curriculum reform for senior high schools in 2017 and chosenSHE as one of its main English teaching materials according to the local features. At the present, thetextbook has been used in the city of Anyang, the city of San Menxia, the city of Nanyang, etc. of Henanprovince. As for a textbook newly used, timely evaluation of SHE is in need since it can provide feedbackthat may be helpful for its revision and better implementation. Besides, those newly published textbooksusually provide various contents for students and teachers. In fact, these contents are not possibly finishedcomplete in real teaching. Conversely, they can be flexibly chosen and used by textbook users, i.e.making adaptation on textbook. SHE is no exception. Therefore, the author of the thesis tries to take Henanprovince as an example to make a formal study on SHE from the following two aspects: firstlyinves
