
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22


1.1 Context of the Research
With increasing development of the international communication, English listeningability, as the foundation to obtain the input information plays a very important role in oralcommunication. Traditional listening instructional mode in high school, which consists ofplaying audio tapes, doing exercises and checking answers, cannot lead to satisfiedachievement any more. As the emphasis of English teaching is put on the developing ofstudents’ communicative competence rather than acquiring the pure language knowledge,the reform of English listening ability teaching is urgently needed. It includes two aspects.One is the change of teaching approach, the other is the change of English teachers'teaching idea.With the update of teaching equipment, English teaching media changed a lot.Audio-visual teaching approach becomes an irresistible trend. English movie as the mosttypical audio-visual listening teaching material has attracted great attention in Chinesecollege, university and even the high school. Students are exposed to the target languageenvironment during the process of watching movie. It enhances the comprehension of theinput language. At the same time, it could also foster students' interest in languagelearning, so as to improve their comprehensive language application abilityEnglish teachers' teaching idea especially in the aspect of teaching approach isconstantly updated with the change of teaching equipment. More and more Englishteachers begin to use audio-visual teaching approach for developing students’ Englishlistening ability.

1.2 Aims of the Research
Famous linguist Krashen (1982) once said that "listening comprehension is the firstimportant thing in language learning". However, Due to the lack of foreign languagelistening and speaking environment, listening and speaking ability become the weak linkin foreign language learning in China. In recent years, with the development ofinformation technology, language teaching method is continually changing. Englishlistening ability training is no longer the playback of tapes. Computer-assisted teachingapproach with vivid video and audio become more and more popular.According to the investigation, 20% information could be remembered only byreading; about 40% information could be remembered both by reading and listening. 75%information could be remembered through reading, listening and practice (Lindstrom,1994). Thus, how to take full advantage of the multimedia equipment to combine theauditory, visual information and practical listening activities together is the mainimportant problem which needs to be investigated. The aims of this research are as thefollowing:Firstly, in recent years, there are lots of researches in this area, but most of themfocus on the research based on college and university. However, researchers pay lessattention on the research of this area in senior high school, therefore, the present researchwant to find the practical effect of this new teaching approach in senior high school.


2.1 Theoretical Foundation for Movie-Assisted Listening Teaching
Listening ability training has long been the central concern of second languageacquisition and learning, an,英语毕业论文英语论文范文
