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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 The Background and Significance of This Study
英语阅读英语学习中最重要的技能之一。它也需要在高考英语考试分数的很大一部分。阅读已在英语教学中的一个重要组成部分,在很长一段时间的中学学习。无论学生阅读广泛和有效的英语写的效果,他们的英语学习。因此,阅读为学生提供足够的投入,提高他们的英语技能。通过阅读,不仅是学生的语言知识,而且他们的语言技能和能力可以得到发展。在认知心理学,英语论文题目,第二语言习得被看作是一个动态的,创造性的过程中,学习者发挥积极影响。他们从来没有被动通告要获取的材料,老师礼物。已经支付给学习策略,学生学习一门外语或第二语言的认知心理学在20世纪60年代出现以来,当他们使用更多的关注。正如那句老话:如果你给一个人一条鱼,你可以喂他一天。但是,如果你告诉他如何钓鱼,你会喂他吃了一辈子。而高中学生获得基本的英语能力,尤其是阅读能力的关键时期。English reading is one of the most important skills in English learning. It alsotakes a large part of scores in the English test for university entrance examination.Reading has been playing an important part in English teaching and learning inmiddle schools for a long time. Whether students read widely and effectively inEnglish effects their English learning. So reading provides students with enoughinput to improve their English skills. Through reading, not only students' languageknowledge, but also their language skills and competence can be developed.In cognitive psychology,second language acquisition is viewed as a dynamic,creative process in which the learners play an active role. They are never passive toreceive the materials that the teacher presents. More attention has been paid to thelearning strategies which students use when they learn a foreign language or a secondlanguage since the emergence of cognitive psychology in the 1960s. As an old sayinggoes: If you give a man a fish,you can feed him for a day. But if you tell him how tofish, you will feed him for a lifetime. And the senior school is a key period forstudents to gain basic ability of English, especially the reading skill.
The New English Curriculum Standard (NECS) issued in Aug,2017 listslearning strategies as one of the important demands for senior students. It considerslearning strategy training as one of the five major parts of instruction, equal inimportance to language knowledge, language skills, affective attitudes and culturalawareness. Reading has been seen as an interactive process and cognitive skill rather than a passive process. So the focus of studies has been shifted from the product ofreading to an emphasis on determining the strategies that readers use in certaincontext. Reading strategies have been playing a significant role in high schoolEnglish learning and teaching but the use of learning strategies has not yet reachedthe ideal effect. English teaching in the past had put too much emphasis on teachingstudents English knowledge, such as words, grammar, etc,英语论文,while the training ofstudents' reading competence had been neglected. As a result, many students feel itdifficult to do reading comprehension in their English learning and in theexaminations. They do not know how to use reading strategies exactly in theirreading. Therefore, it is necessary to provide students with a repertoire of strategiesthat promote comprehension monitoring and foster comprehension.
Previous studies have shown that students can be trained to master readingstrategies. Scholars believe that the proper instruction of reading strategies isimportant to students’ reading. Many researches have been done in the field ofreading strategies,but most of the subjects of the researches were college students.The study of senior high school is still deficient. The present study is to investigateand analyze the use of reading strategies by students in Senior Two. And the authorwill analyze and discuss the findings from the
