
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Motivation of the Study
The author’s teaching internship serves as the main driving force for the presentresearch. In the course of the internship, the author has experienced the unexpectedlynegative effects of PPT courseware on English teaching. In order to figure out therelevant scientific explanations for this phenomenon, the author browsed someacademic books and journals but failed to get satisfactory answers. In the previousstudies, some researchers only concentrate on the problems that appeared in theapplication of PPT courseware in language teaching classroom and offer theirsolutions depending on their personal teaching experience. Others give suggestionsfrom the angle of technology. As a matter of fact, few of them are concerned aboutthe operation of the PPT presentation itself or give explanations to the phenomenonmentioned above on the basis of reliable evidence. However, a newly-emergedtheory comes into the author’s view. It is the multimodal discourse analysis(henceforth MDA) developed in the west countries at the end of the 20th century thathas roots in Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics (henceforth SFL). Thereinto,multimodality is the most crucial feature of all the investigated subjects. Therefore,scholars in the western countries conduct extensive researches on this concept invarious fields, such as film poster, hypertext, advertisement, painting, poem and soon and so forth. Compared with the flourishing development of MDA acrossdifferent fields in foreign countries, domestic contribution in this aspect still remainsat an introductory stage and only a few of researchers have begun to apply it to aspecific multimodal discourse. Under this global circumstance, the applications ofMAD to PPT courseware are impressively few and far between. PPT, with its strongmultimodality in nature, should be paid enough attention to, so as to better assist theeducators and the educatees in the language teaching classroom. So the authorattempts to study this object from a multimodal angle combing Halliday’s SFL andsocial semiotics.

1.2 Objectives of the Study
Since PPT is popular in the language teaching classroom, it is valuable toexplore this object scientifically. Although some researchers and scholars havealready spared their efforts to verify its necessity and feasibility in the classroom andsome others focus on its deficiencies, only a few semiologists and linguists attachimportance to its multimodality, its basic feature in nature. In the meantime, themajority of those minority scholars only talk about the feature itself, instead ofmaking concrete analysis from a multimodal perspective when they pursue theresearch of PPT courseware. In other words, rather than putting multimodaldiscourse analysis into practice, they just borrow this concept and conduct theanalysis with other theories. This phenomenon is especially awash in domesticacademic world. How the specific interaction between different modes is in the slidesis neglected, too. Consequently, the thesis attempts to bridge these gaps.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Introduction
PPT, a new presentation software that emerged in the 1990s, has attracted muchattention in the academic field. Many studies have been do,英语论文英语论文范文
