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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Research Background
Student satisfaction is directly or indirectly influenced by the silent enjoyment withclassroom environment. It is an internal state similar to attitude but it istransaction-specific (Athiyaman, 1997), which forms under the comparison of perceivedenvironment and expected environment. In other words, it is the result of evaluation on thegoodness and badness of attending classes. Based on prior research, highly perceivedvalue of actual environment generates high level of satisfaction among students (HuHsiu-Yua n, Chiu Shao-I, Cheng Ching Chan & Hsieh Yi-Fang, 2017). After a thoroughanalysis of the previous studies, we draw the conclusion that classroom environmentcontains two significant aspects, physical environment and psychosocial environment.Physical classroom environment includes seating arrangement, size/shape of theclassroom, cleanliness of the classroom surroundings, nature of classroom walls, andeducative decorations etc (Okogbaa, 2017). According to Okogbaa, psychosocialclassroom environment is concerned about questions like whether a student feels safe andcomfortable, whether the classroom is exhilarating, whether class members respect oneanother and work as a team to achieve one goal etc. (2017).Considerable progress has been achieved during the past a few decades in terms ofimproving classroom environment. Traditional face-to-face teaching model has beensubstituted by blended teaching environment including multimedia network teachingsystem. The improved teaching model provides more flexible and autonomous learningenvironment for learners (Shi, 2017). In addition, teacher-student ratio and female-maleratio have gone through changes too.

Research Significance
As what has been mentioned in the previous section, almost no researcher in Chinahas experimented with student satisfaction in college EFL classroom environment; thisresearch will fill the academic gap which hitherto exists in our literature. To be specific,the significance of this study can be illustrated in the following three aspects.Theoretically, this study consolidates the empirical foundation and statisticalmethodology for student satisfaction research area, especially with its initiation oninvestigation of EFL classroom environment. A number of reviews about studentsatisfaction are available in higher education system, but to the best of our knowledge, nostudy has been conducted at home to comprehensively investigate student satisfaction incollege EFL classroom environment. Due to the scarceness of relative research bothabroad and home, the exploration on student satisfaction factors will be a supplement tostudies in this field.Practically, this study is a tentative research for the latent influential factors asregards student satisfaction with college EFL classroom environment. It carries out threeinvestigations in a stepwise procedure. Results of each investigation are collected andanalyzed for the purpose of generating initial item pool, identifying item pool and testingitem pool respectively. By means of this scientific and empirical research design, asix-factor questionnaire with feasible reliability and validity is eventually obtained asresearch outcome of this study.

1. Literature Review

1.1 Perspectives on Student Sa,英语论文范文英语论文
