
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

1.1 Research Background
With the deepening of international communication and cooperation, bilingualEducation (mainly English and Chinese) in recent decades has been widely extendedin schools and universities throughout China, in order to meet the needs of cultivatingbilingual talents and promoting international communication. In 2017, the Ministry ofEducation in China published Suggestions about Enforcing Bachelor Education andAdvancing Teaching Quality of Higher Education (Higher Education [2017] 4),proposing that for undergraduate education bilingual instruction should be adopted asthe teaching method for 5%-10% of all the courses in a period of three years in thefield of information technology, biological technology, finance, law and academicdisciplines which are developing fast worldwide. In 2017, the Ministry of Educationissued the requirements of College English Curriculum (Higher Education [2017] 3),which requires that college English teaching should be based on foreign languageteaching theories, involving English language knowledge, cross-culturalcommunication and learning strategies, and integrating different teaching methods. Atthe same time, it proposes aims of the reformation of college English teaching, one ofwhich is to upgrade the student's ability of using English for the communicativepurpose.

1.2 Research Purpose & Significance
The formation of global village has made people frequently aware that they arein a multilingual society, and have to switch from one language to the other in orderto communicate effectively with people from different language backgrounds, andthus there is an urgent need for cultivating all-round English talents, who havegrasped both professional knowledge and foreign language communicative skills. Tocater for these needs, the government authorities and scholars in educational circleshave paid much attention to foreign language education in the past few decades. As aresult, bilingual education has been applied to a wide range of teaching contexts inChina, including kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools, colleges anduniversities. As a special kind of bilingual instruction, CBI teaching methodadvocates the integration of language learning and content learning with full use oftarget language. It is an effective way for language learners to master the languageskills as well as the knowledge of a particular subject such as natural science andsocial science, etc. Stryker and Leaver (1997) believe that content-based foreignlanguage instruction encourages students to learn a new language by playing in realsituations and actually using the language, from the very first class, as a real means ofcommunication and aims at empowering students to become independent learners andcontinue the process beyond the classroom. In this sense, it is an efficient languageteaching model which can “kill two birds with one stone”. Against such globalizationbackground, it is significant and worthwhile to study the efficiency of CBI andborrow ideas from CBI in cultivating such inter-disciplinary international talents, soas to provide implications for Chinese college English teaching.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Bilingual Education
Content based instruction, teaching and learning a particular subject by means ofa second language, is regarded as a special mode,英语论文网站英语论文
