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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
With the rapid economic and cultural globalization and frequent interculturalcommunication activities, as an international language, English has become increasinglyimportant. Therefore, College English teaching (CET) has also been given unprecedentedattention in China. According to the different periods of time,英语论文题目,College English teaching can bedivided into three stages after the reform and opening-up policy. The first stage,from 1978 to1984,is the recovery period of English teaching. In the second stage, from 1985 to 2017,College English teaching developed smoothly and orderly. Great achievements were made inestablishing and implementing national syllabus,compiling high quality of teaching materialsand exploring new teaching methods. China's College English teaching tended to be moreuniform in teaching requirements, contents and management. Since 2017 until present.College English teaching moves towards diversified and deep development. Greatachievements were made. For instance, extensively adopt advanced information technology topromote the English teaching reformation; published College English CurriculumRequirements (2017); made further reformation in College English tests (CET-4 and CET-6).After three years of pilot implementation. College English Curriculum Requirements (2017)was formally implemented on a national scale in 2017.

1.2 Purpose and Significance
The present survey was conducted in Guangxi University of Finance and Economics(GUFE). It aims at investigating the status quo of culture teaching and learning in CEC andexploring how to integrate Chinese and western cultures in CET to solve the "Chinese cultureaphasia,英语论文范文,,among students.The author intents to arouse College English teachers' concern and worries about thephenomenon of "Chinese culture aphasia" and hopes to enrich people's understanding to therelationship of language, culture and communication, language teaching and culture teachingas well as the perceptions of intercultural awareness and competence. The author also believesthat this study has some practical significance. First,the carefully designed project hasrevealed, to some extent, the current situation of culture teaching in CEC in local colleges anduniversities. The research results can help people who want to make improvements in CollegeEnglish teaching syllabus, teaching materials, curriculum design and test means and so forth.Second, the teaching methods put forward by the author could be useful and helpful inassisting College English teachers, especially teachers of GUFE, in their teaching practice interms of selecting appropriate teaching methods and proper training programs to help studentsimprove their English learning. Third, the research may also help College English studentsbetter understand the “Chinese culture aphasia” phenomenon and inspire them to activelyleam Chinese culture in the process of English learning, and then eventually improve theirEnglish learning ability and intercultural communicative competence.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2,1 Chinese Culture Aphasia
The concept "Chinese culture aphasia" comes from “aphasia,,,a medical term. Accordingto National Aphasia Association (2017), "aphasia" is defined as "a neurological impairment ordisturbance of cortical tissue i
