Chapter One Introduction
The last two decades has witnessed a growing interest in learner autonomy inlanguage teaching and learning “that has led to the questioning and the revision of anever increasing number of pedagogical tenets, assumptions and evidences at all levelsof the language learning/teaching process” (Holec, 2017:3). However, this on-goinginvestigation drive is “often represented as a radically learner-centered idea” (Benson,2017a: 16) that “has progressively allowed the learning /teaching community toconceptualize and in some environments to put into practice an entirely new,incomplete and imperfect though it still may, pedagogical paradigm” (Holec, 2017:3).This study is intended to inquire into the possibility of understanding the idea oflearner autonomy in language learning, somewhat different from the radical learner’sperspective. Therefore, in this introductory chapter, we would like to focus on thebackground information of the present study by outlining the evolution of the coreconcept “learner autonomy”, the motives for and the significance of this study beforewe embark on our exploration.
1.1 Background
The concept of autonomy finds its roots in the western political philosophy. Itemerged as a political concept when the ancient Greek philosophers claimed forcitizen’s right of governing themselves by their own laws. “As such, the concept ofautonomy defines the senses in which a liberal society should value and protectindividual freedom” (Benson, 2017a:17).Individual autonomy has been central to European liberal-democratic andliberal-humanist thought since the 18th century (Lindley, 1986, cited in Finch,2017:1). It was also regarded as a core political and philosophical principle in theEnlightenment Period as well as in the ideas that inspired the French Revolution. Thepolitical and philosophical dimension of autonomy “mirrors the 18th-centuryEuropean dream of leaving behind absolutism and everything else that keptindividuals from using their own capacity to make reasonable decisions” (Schmenk,2017:109).The idea of autonomy in language learning originated in the late 1960s as aconsequence of the political turmoil and social demands of the time. Holec’s projectreport to the Council of Europe, which is a key early document on autonomy inlanguage learning, describes the social and ideological context of the 1960s:
Inspired by humanistic expectations aroused by the political turmoil, earlypedagogical experiments related to autonomy were started, which were characterizedby “an emphasis on the meaning and value of personal experience, quality life, andpersonal freedom and minority rights” (Gremmo & Riley, 1970, cited in Benson,2017:16). This humanistic trend produced a series of wide-ranging investigations inthe 1960s and 1970s, resulting in a rapid development in Education, language teaching,linguistics, and cognitive psychology.The development of psychology in the 1960s became another contributing factorfor the promotion of learner autonomy in language learning. Cognitive psychologysuggests that leaning is more effective if the learner integr