
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research background of the study
随着时代的发展,社会和国家之间的广泛交流,跨文化交际已经不可避免地成为了一个普通的话题。由于涉及到不同的国家在各个领域的国际合作,英语论文题目,已成为跨文化交际的实际需要。在整个环境中,如果无法进入相同的文化背景的人来自不同的国家的人之间的沟通,无法有效地交换意见和互相沟通。在这种条件下,人们可能导致文化冲突,甚至不必做出更大的麻烦。成功的跨文化交际的需要不仅是良好的外语能力,还要了解不同文化之间的异同。在跨文化交际中,来自不同文化背景的人,他们威尔摩亚或多或少把自己的文化进行交流。也有一些人会判断其他人的行为,根据自己的文化或社会规则老辣,务实转移的发生。拒绝被认为是威胁面的行为产生的言语行为。拒绝消极回应言外行为,如要约,英语论文网站,请求,建议,邀请,当我们想给其他人说“不”,我们首先考虑到礼貌。礼貌策略使用,以保存听众的脸上,当面对威胁的行为是不可避免的。因此,如何说“不”给其他人的任务,需要特殊的技能。适用于通信范围从国家到国家的语言。至于语言学习者,学习一门新的语言,就像是进入另一个国家,尝试另一种生活方式,并用一套新的规则来指导自己的行为。因此,缺乏认识和了解英国社会和文化规则是可能导致务实失败。务实失败的部分原因通过务实转移无视目标文化。拒绝人的措施是根据扬声器和听者的社会地位。这意味着,扬声器必须知道什么时候用适当的形式和它的功能,言语行为和社交元素,取决于相差和他们的语言文化价值观。因此,的对话者要求较高水平的务实能力。要执行的拒绝是高度指示的规范语用能力。With the development of society and the widely exchange among countries, cross-culturalcommunication already inevitably became a regular topic. As international cooperation invarious fields related to different countries, cross-cultural communication has become a practicalneed. In the whole environment, if the communication between people who come from differentcountries can not enter into the same cultural background, one can not efficiently exchange ideasand communicate with each other. In such condition, people who may lead to cultural conflict oreven make greater troubles. Successful cross-cultural communication requires not only goodforeign language skills, but also the understanding of the differences between different cultures.In cross-cultural communication, when people from different cultural background, they willmore or less bring their own culture into communication. And there are also some people whowill judge other people's behavior according to their own cultural or social rules of language.Thus, pragmatic transfer occurred.Refusals are considered to be a face-threatening act among the speech acts. A refusal is torespond negatively to illocutionary act, such as an offer, request, suggestion, invitation, etc.When we want to say "no" to other people, we take politeness into first consideration. Politenessstrategies are used in order to save the listeners' face when face-threatening acts are inevitable.Therefore, how one says" no" to other people is a task that needs special skill. Language appliedin communication varied from country to country. As for language learners, learning a newlanguage is like entering into another country, trying another way of life and with a new set ofrules to guide their behavior. Therefore, lack of knowledge and understanding of English socialand cultural rules is likely to lead pragmatic failure. The pragmatic failure is partly caused bypragmatic transfer for ignoring the target culture. The method to reject people is depending onspeaker and listener's social position. This means that the speaker must know when to useappropriate form and its function, the speech acts and its social elements depending on eachgroup and their cultural-linguistic values. As a result, the interlocutor demands high level ofpragmatic competence. To perform refusals is highly indicative of one's normative pragmaticcompetence.
As cross-cultural communicative competence gradually arouse people's attention andrecognition, which the university foreign language teaching is facing with new challenge. Theforeign language teacher is not only to teach students grammar and vocabulary, but also tocultivate students' pragmatic competence. That is to say, teacher is not only to develop
