
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 General Introduction
Euphemism appeared almost as early as language was produced. In the long history,it has accumulated many different definitions from different scholars. From Englishetymology we know that the word euphemism comes from the Greek word eixprmia(euphemia) means "the use of words of good omen”。which in turn is derived from theGreek root-words,meaning glory, flattering speech, praise etc. And thus it literallymeans “To speak with good words" (Halliday, 2017). When it comes to a specificdefinition, it varies according to different books. First,usually we can find its definitionin current English dictionaries, which define euphemism as follows:(A) A polite, tactful, or less explicit term used to avoid the direct naming of anunpleasant painful or frightening reality. (Webster,s Third New International Dictionaryof the English Language) (1961).(B) Euphemism is the substitution of mild,indirect,英语论文,or vague expression for onethought to be offensive, harsh or blunt. (The Random House College Dictionary) (Stein,1979).(C) A word or phrase used to avoid saying another word or phrase that is moreforceful and honest but also more unpleasant or offensive. (Cambridge InternationalDictionary of English) (Procter, 1995).(D) A polite word or expression that people use when they are talking aboutsomething which they or other people find unpleasant or embarrassing, such as death orsex. (Collins CobuildEssential English Dictionary) (Owen, 1989).(E) A polite word or expression that you use instead of a more direct one to avoidshocking or upsetting someone. ( Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English),(1995).


1.2 Purpose of the Research
In this era of knowledge explosion, the vision of a global village is no longerconsidered to be an abstract conception but a virtual certainty. Technological progress incommunication,travel,and transportation has made business increasingly global.What's more, this trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. Asinternational business between different countries grows, so does .the frequency ofbusiness activities among people from different backgrounds and cultures. Internationaltrade has multiplied twenty-fold over the last twenty years; and similar increases in thefuture are on the way. As a ubiquitous linguistic phenomenon in all languages,euphemism has been widely used in human society since the first word was invented.Today with an increasing international exchanges, euphemism as 汪 tool of pragmaticstrategy is becoming more indispensable in business activities than any time before.I“ Euphemisms are powerful linguistic tools that are embedded so deeply in ourlanguage that few of us,even those who pride themselves on being plainspoken, cannever get through a day without using them. ” (Rowson, 1981). The need foreuphemism is both social and emotional, as it allows discussion of 'touchy' or taboo subjects (such as sex, personal appearances or religion) without enraging, outraging, orupsetting other people, and acts as a pressure valve whilst maintaining the appearance ofcivility.As one of the peculiar rhetorical figure,euphemism is also commonly and flexiblyused in business activities. Its pragmatic functions and amicable ways of expressions aretremendously useful to businessmen. In fact, in ,英语论文范文
