[摘 要]本文通过对商务函电和商务洽谈中的委婉表达方式的略论,讨论了如何利用语态、语气和句型等语法变化形式来进行商务英语中的委婉表达,并举例说明其对应的翻译。 [关键词]商务英语 委婉表达 商务函电 商务洽谈 伴随着全球经济一体化进程的加快和我国改革开放的不断深化,我国与世界各国的国际商务联系得到了前所未有的发展。英语是开展国际商务活动的重要语言工具,商务英语主要包括贸易业务往来中的商业语言、合同协定中的法学语言、商业广告中的宣传语言等等。较普通英语而言,商务英语有其特殊的风格、惯用格式、专业词汇及表达法,热情友好的礼遇、委婉客气的话语、措辞得当的函电以及谨慎严密的条款形成了商务英语的鲜明特色。为了树立尽可能完美的公司形象,最大限度地给客户以信任和满意。商务从业人员无论是在函电的文字表述中,还是在商务洽谈协商中,常常借助委婉语和委婉表达方式礼貌、含蓄、得体地陈述自己的观点或愿望,提出请求或建议,创造良好的氛围,以达到交易双方各自预期的目的。委婉语和委婉表达法在商务英语中运用十分广泛,几乎涉及商业活动的各个领域和交易过程的每一环节。以国际贸易为例,从开始建立交易联系的询盘、报盘、还盘、定价到装运、保险、支付贷款、投诉索赔等,都会使用大量的委婉表达方式。 一、商务函电中的委婉表达法商务函电属于运用文的范围,因而要求措辞严谨,语体得当。其中的委婉表达法有: (一)被动语态法在商务函电中,有许多情况需要用主动态,以明确地表达交易双方的立场和观点。但在另外一些情况下,常采用被动语句,以使行文适当,更符合商务函电的文体特色。如:1)We have today received LC/AC-3 covering the shipment of2017 tons of steels.After we have checked the L/C carefully,you’re kindly requested to make the following amendments:对于2017吨钢材的AC-3号信用证已于今日收到。经认真核对,请做如下修改:Cf.After we have checked the L/C carefully,we kindly re-quest you to make the following amendments:2)According to the stipulations of the said L/C,the first lotshould be delivered by the end of June.根据上述信用证规定,首批货物应于六月底前装运。Cf.According to the stipulations of the said L/C,you shoulddeliver the first lot by the end of June.3)It has to be stressed that shipment must be effected withinthe prescribed time limit,as a further extension will not be consid-ered.必须强调的是货物须按期装运,不允许有进一步的延期。Cf.We have to stress that you must effect shipmentwithin theprescribed time limit,as a further extension will not be considered.4)You and your colleagues are kindly invited to the aboutsymposium to be held on April 5,1994,at 9:30 a.m.,at the Inter-national Trade Center.众所周知,英语中主动语态句强调的是动作的执行者,被动语态句强调的是动作的对象。例句中“to be stressed”、“must be effected”如“will not be considered”使动作的执行者we和you已经弱化到忽略不提的地位,强调的是按合同、协议所承诺或规定的义务和职责,这样更符合国际商业惯例。 (二)虚拟语气法在日常交际中,人们常用虚拟语气来陈述自己的观点,提出请求、建议或劝告,语气较为委婉、含蓄。在商务函电中,虚拟语气也常被用来客气、温和地表达自己的观点、请求或建议,这样往往更有利于在平等友好的气氛中达到双方的目的。如:1·We would be grateful to be informed as soon as possiblewhether a visit to your company by our Marketing Manager fromJan. 7 to 13 would be convenient.我企业销售部经理拟于1月7日至13日访问贵企业,对贵方是否合适,望尽快答复,不胜感激。Cf.We will be grateful to be informed as soon as possiblewhether a visit to your company be our Marketing Manager fromJan. 7 to 13 is convenient.2·May we suggest that you make some allowance on yourquoted prices so as to enable us to introduce your goods to our cus-tomers?建议贵企业在报价上让一些,以便我方能将你们的货物介绍给我方买主。Cf.Wewant you tomake some allowance on your quoted pric-es so as to enable us to introduce your goods to our customers.3·Itwould be most helpful if you could also supply informa-tion covering the types of fabric to be processed and the types ofyarn.若贵方能提供所加工织物的种类和使用棉纱的型号,对我们将是莫大的帮助。Cf.It will be most helpful if you can also supply informationcovering the types of fabric to be processed and the types of yarn.以上例句中,由于动词采用了虚拟语气,使得交易双方观点的陈述,要求的提出,价格的确定等在语气上大为缓和,避免过于绝对,留有协商的余地,从而有利于业务的进展。 |