
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

摘 要: 英文中的颜色词在一定程度上反映了英美文化,了解和掌握商务英语中的颜色词有助于文化交流和翻译实践。本文将较常见的几种颜色语加以分类总结。
      语言学家柏林和凯(Berlin and Kay)对世界上将近100种语言表示颜色的词进行探讨得出结论: 任何语言至少都有两个颜色词, 即黑和白。由于不同的民族有着不同的发展历史, 生活环境和风俗习惯, 颜色词除了表示一定的颜色外, 还具有丰富的文化象征意义。不同文化的颜色词的象征意义具有鲜明的个性,反映出各自的风俗习惯, 价值观念, 心理特点等, 了解商务英语中一些有代表性的色彩词汇会有助于文化交流和翻译实践。
    一、 Black1.黑色在英文中常与 “不好的、 坏的、 非法的、 邪恶的” 等词义相关联。经常出现在下面的用法当中。black economy(黑市经营)指对工人雇佣及付酬不遵守缴纳所得税等法规的做法。例如: The growing black economy is beginning to worry theGovernment.黑市经营日益泛滥, 政府已开始担忧。2.black做动词意为抵制, 拒绝卸货。( to forbid trading incertain goods or with certain suppliers)例如:The lorry had been blacked by strikers and could not be un-loaded.那辆货车遭罢工者抵制而无法卸货。The government blacked three firms.政府本文出自,在/英语毕业论文与留学生论文方面具有丰富的经验!如果需要原创英语论文,英文论文请关系 QQ:949925041让三家企业停业。3.black还可以表示盈利, 它和红色一样, 是记账时所用墨水的颜色。例如:( 1) in the black=in credit有盈利The company has moved into the black.该企业已开始盈利。My bank account is still in the black.我的银行账户仍有赢余。( 2) black figure nation指国际收支顺差国      二、 Green1.greenback(US banknote)很形象的指代美钞green house 温室 green effect温室效应2.green card( 1)work permit for a person going to live in the USA.(美)绿卡( 2) special British insurance certificate to prove that a car isinsured for travel abroad.( 英) 绿色保险卡, 一种特殊的英国保险凭证, 用来证明一辆汽车已投境外出行险。      
      三、 Gray1.gray area 灰区( 1) ( aspect,topic,etc that does not fit into a particular catego-ry,and is therefore difficult to deal with) 指不易归类故难以处理的方面、 题目等。例如:When the rules for police procedure were laid down,a lot ofgray areas remained.警方的程序规章定立后,遗留下许多难以处理的灰色区域。( 2) 指英国就业率颇低, 但非低至可供政府特别补助的区域。2.gray flannelled形容词, (美俚)广告商的, 广告业的  
    四、 GoldenGolden handshake or US golden parachute( large,usually tax- free,sum of money given to a director whoretires froma company before the end of his service contract.)大笔退休金(给提前退休的董事或经理)。例如:When the company was taken over,the sales director receiveda golden handshake of $25.000.当接收该企业时, 销售经理们得到25000美元的退休金。
    五、 Red1.in the red( showing a debit or loss)赤字; 负债亏损。例如:My bank account is in the red.我的银行存款已出现赤字。If we can sign this contract,there’ s a good chance we won’ tgo into the red.(We’ ll get out of the red)如果我们能签订这份合同, 就很可能不亏损。2.red tape( official paperwork which takes a long time to complete) 官样文章, 繁文缛节。例如:The Canadian joint venture has been held up by governmentred tape.加拿大的合资公司由于政府的繁文缛节而被耽误。  
   六、 White1.the color of snow白色的White money 银币 white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡White coal 水力 white meat 鸡鸭等肉2.white goods( 1) (machines such as refrigerators,washing machines) 白色家电(厨房用的冰箱, 洗衣机等)( 2) sheets or towels,etc.指毛巾, 被单等商品3.white knight救星; 事业捍卫者( in many stories of the Middle Ages,good and brave knightsrescue people in danger.White is the color usu associated withgoodness.)中世纪许本文出自,英语论文题目,在/英语毕业论文与留学生论文方面具有丰富的经验!如果需要原创英语论文,英语毕业论文,英文论文请关系 QQ:949925041多故事里有善良英勇的骑士拯救人们于危难之中。白色通常为正义和善良的象征。( person that saves another person froma bad situation)白衣骑士; 拯救别人于困境的人   
   七、 YellowYellowpages 黄页( section of a telephone directory painted on yellow paperwhich lists business under various headings,such as computershops or newsagents,etc)用黄色纸印刷的电话查号簿或其中部分, 指各商业部门的电话号码都在此部分, 如电脑商店, 报刊经售人等。China YellowPages 中国黄页
[1]English- Chinese Business Dictionary Ed.P.H.Collin PeterCollin Publishing Ltd.1984.
[2]郑易里等编著.英华大词典.商务出版社, 1990.
