
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-24

摘 要
Relationship Between Personality and Destiny
-A Case Study of Tess and Other Characters
The relationship between one’s personality and his destiny, which surpasses nationality, age and gender, has always been an important subject that searched and discussed by novelists and critics of every period. British novelist Thomas Hardy described Tess with dual personalities in his famous novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles. For one thing, Tess was regarded as a new woman for her gold heart, strong mind, great courage to sacrifice and resistance against the old tradition. For another, however, she was nothing more than a member of employed farmers in southern England who lacked power and courage and negated herself completely, as a result she was lost in the pain and torment of old tradition and hypocritical religion all her life. Her dual personalities brought sufferings to her body and soul, leading her life away from a normal person. In the end, to win a temporary happiness, Tess paid her precious life. This paper tries to analyze Tess’ dual personalities to understand the reason of her tragic life seen from the angle of the relationship between one’s personality and his destiny, and quotes some case analysis of Carl Gustav Jung, Tang Jun,Lin Daiyu and Angela Merkle, who have different destinies based on different personalities, to step further to explain how important that personality is to determine destiny, thus in the hope of modern people paying more attention to cultivate their mind and seek their proper life positions for more meaning and health.
Key words: personality, destiny, career, health

1. Panoramic View of Thomas Hardy and His Work2
1.1 Setting 2
1.2 Plot3
1.3 Theme3
2. Relationship Between Tess’ Personality and Destiny5
2.1 Good personality.5
2.2 Bad personality6
2.3 Relationship between Tess’ personality and destiny7
3. Relationship Between Personality and Destiny10
3.1 Carl Gustav Jung10
3.2 Tang Jun.10
3.3 Lin Daiyu.11
3.4 Angela Merkle.12
4. Reason and Edification14
4.1 Reason14
4.2 Edification.14
4.2.1 Career.14
4.2.2 Health.15


