
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-24

Chapter One Introduction1
1.1 Overview1
1.2 Aims and Significance of the Present Study2
1.3 Organization of the Thesis3
Chapter Two Literature Review4
2.1 Definitions and Models of Cognitive Style4
2.2 Review of Literature on Field Dependence/Independence (FD/I)7
2.2.1Definition of FD/I7
2.2.2Characteristics of FD/I8
2.2.3Previous Studies on FD/I9
2.3 Review of Literature on Ambiguity Tolerance/Intolerance (AT/I)11
2.3.1Definition of AT/I11
2.3.2Characteristics of AT/I13
2.3.3Previous Studies on AT/I14
2.4 Review of Literature on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition(IVA)15
2.4.1Definition of IVA15
2.4.2Shortcomings of IVA16
2.4.3Previous Studies on IVA18
2.4.4Studies on the Factors Influencing IVA20
Chapter Three Research Design and Methodology25
3.1 Research Questions25
3.2 Subjects25
3.3 Instruments and Materials26
3.3.1Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT)26
3.3.2Cognitive Style Figure Test (CSFT)27
3.3.3Second Language Tolerance of Ambigutity Scale(SLTAS)27
3.3.4Reading Material and Target Words28
3.3.5Vocabulary Test29
3.4 Research Procedures29
3.5 Data Collection31
Chapter Four Results and Discussion32
4.1 Descriptive Data32
4.1.1Descriptive Data for Cognitive Style Test32
4.1.2Descriptive Data for Vocabulary Tests32
4.2 Correlation between FI and IVA33
4.3 Correlation between AT and IVA37
4.4 Differences between Effective Learners and Ineffective Learners40
4.5 Discussion of the Results42
4.5.1Discussion on the Effect of FD/I on IVA42
4.5.2Discussion on the Effect of AT/I on IVA43
4.5.3Discussions on the FD/I and AT/I between Effective Learners and Ineffective Learners45
4.5.4General Discussions46
Chapter Five Conclusions and Implications47
5.1 Summary of the Findings Derived47
5.2 Implications for EFL Learning and Teaching in China47
5.3 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further Studies49
Appendix 1 Vocabulary Levels Test57
Appendix 2 Cognitive Style Figure Test61
Appendix 3 Second Language Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale66
Appendix 4 Reading Material and Target Words67
Appendix 5 Vocabulary test70
