
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-24

论文ID:265 字数:663719,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文翻译译文

On Alienation in D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow

Abstract: This paper first provides a theoretical introduction to Marx’s theory on alienation, including the concept of alienation, main causes and the significance of studying Marx’s Theory under capitalism. It also explains the relationship between alienation and modern western literature. Then it analyses D.H. Lawrence’s alienation theme in his works in the context of Modernism. Next,英语毕业论文,this paper studies four types of alienation in The Rainbow by D.H. Lawrence. It finally discusses two artistic devices for alienation which help the readers to have a better understanding of its alienation theme.
Key words: Marx’s theory on alienation; the theme of alienation; types of alienation


目 录

1. Introduction1
2. A theoretical introduction to alienation1
2.1 Alienated Labor in Marx’s theory1
2.2 Main causes and realistic basis of alienation3
2.3 Significance of studying Marx’s Theory under capitalism3
2.4 Alienation in modern western literature4
3. D.H. Lawrence’s alienation in modernism4
3.1 Background of modernism4
3.2 Lawrence’s alienation theme in his works5
4. Alienation in The Rainbow6
4.1 Man’s alienation from nature6
4.2 Man’s alienation from society8
4.3 Man’s alienation from man9
4.4 Man’s alienation from self9
5. Artistic devices for alienation10
5.1 Psycho-analysis in the novel10
5.2 Rainbow’s symbolization12
6. Conclusion12
Works Cited14
