Main elements of nonstatanalysis and their schematic-functional connection范文[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

范文:“Main elements of nonstatanalysis and their schematic-functional connection” 这是元素认知的过程,用于指定真实的东西,如工具、测量仪器、实验室设备等,以及有一定的认知意义的主题。这篇范文谈的是认知元素的概念。认知意义上的变化指的是认知主体在认知的过程中调用信息,例如,阅读迹象对应于认知意义的改变。因此作为一个元素之外的认知是没有意义的,英语论文范文,它不存在独立信息的概念,英语论文范文,信息是一个数字序列等一些材料载体。


Definition of the main concepts
Now, let us introduce the meaning of the terms mentioned above. The device – it is the denotatum-notion complex (e.g., graphic model, see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3) as element of the Scheme of the process of cognition, which is used to designate real things, such as tools, measuring instruments, laboratory equipment, sense organs, etc., and has a certain cognitive sense in reference to the subject of cognition. The change of the cognitive sense of the device in reference to the subject of cognition during the process of cognition we will call information (see Fig. 2). For example, “reading the indications” corresponds to the change of cognitive sense of such a device in reference to the observer; therefore, information, as an element of the scheme of the process of cognition has no sense outside the scheme – it does not exist independently (such is the non-shannonian concept of information; the shannonian one regards information as a sequence of digits on some material carrier like or type and which can exist independently of the subject of cognition). 

The process of cognition – it is the closed, circular model process of creation of an intellectual product by the subject of cognition in consequence of the processing and conceptualization of information (see Fig. 2). The process of cognition is carried out by the using a correspondent . The means of cognition (see Fig. 3) – it is a combined model notion which includes: (a) the model objects such as device and artificial means of information processing; (b) the intellect as a natural means of information processing (see Fig. 7), and (c) the means of formalization of intellectual product. 

It is important to note here that since, first, Nonstatanalysis itself is the MT-level intellectual product, second, any intellectual product can be taken as an object of study for Nonstatanalysis (in particular – for its Applied ADC Theory), therefore Nonstatanalysis formalizes itself by means of its own (later we will say about Nonstatanalysis’ property of self-organization or self-improvement; see Part VII). Thus we encounter the problem of functional tautology in second time. The theoretical base of the process of cognition (theoretical network) is a combined model notion, which includes: denotatum-notion complexes; subjective experience; model notions, model processes, model objects, model constructions; words; assertions (e.g. hypotheses, axioms, theorems, postulates, correlations, principles, rules, laws); languages; the methodology of the process of cognition (including the methodology of investigations, methodological rules, etc.).

The and schematically belong to the subject of cognition (see Fig. 7). The subject of cognition – it is a model notion (or, a model construction) which has its cognitive sense only as an element of the subject-object interaction. The real human (involved in cognitive process), the cognitively active group of persons, a society, any Earth’s or extraterrestrial bio-object, and even not biological object can be substituted by this model notion/construction and formalized as a graphic model of the subject of cognition in the Scheme of the process of cognition. The graphic model of the subject of cognition (if to regard the decompositional model) includes the graphic model of the in general, and separates from the graphic model of the the graphic model of the intellect (it is assumed that is a means of information processing; see Fig. 7). 

The means of cognition (as a model notion) obtain a certain cognitive sense only in reference to a certain theoretical base, which is, therefore, called correspondent. For example, the denotatum-notion complex is formalized by means of the term, and, the term can evoke the correspondent denotatum-notion complex. That is why the and the correspondent (or, vice versa, the theoretical base and the correspondent means of cognition) are linked by an inverse link (in contrary to the causal link). The means of cognition (as a denotatum) and the theoretical base (as a notion) form the denotatum-notion complex named cognitive space (see Fig.3), which is a stable model construction, but which can also evolve. If the elements of one system are linked by inverse link, then it is incorrect to ask which element is primary, or more important, and which one is secondary, or less important. 

Both those elements are equally important and have no sense one without the other. For example, the knowledge how to use the computer has no sense if we do not have a computer; and vice versa, there is no sense in a computer in case we do not know how to use it. Let us accept that if we use such or other and the correspondent to it, it means that we conduct our cognitive activity in some . The main importance of introducing the term is that they are not the , nor the that evolve, but their system as a whole. To illustrate the point, consider this question: “What is the difference between the stick lying on the floor and the one being held in the hand?” corresponds with a change of characteristic (about the characteristics see later in the article) of the theoretically modeled cognitive space which already includes the human (as denotatum-notion complex) which is formalized as the subject of cognition, and the stick (as denotatumnotion complex) which is formalized as an additional part of the means of cognition. But because of inverse link between the means of cognition and the theoretical base, corresponds also with certain changes of the theoretical base (because the characteristic of the cognitive space can be fixed; if the characteristic of a system of elements {A, B} is fixed, then the change of the characteristic of the element A necessarily brings about to the change of the characteristic of the element B). In actual fact such changes are being saved and sustain for a long time. Therefore, the changes the human’s theoretical base (named subjective experience). Such a new experience/knowledge, formalized as a , can (because of the inverse link) bring about the change of the cognitive sense of the means of cognition in reference to the subject of cognition, and, in practice, lead to creation of more perfect tools.

Solution to the problem of conceptual (semantic) tautology
A theoretical base (as well as a cognitive space) is a model construction. On the other hand, any model construction is an element of a theoretical base, and, therefore, a part of a cognitive space. So, here we encounter the problem of functional tautology in the third time (as we have mentioned earlier, the solution to this problem will be given in Part VII). But now let us see how the problem of conceptual (semantic) tautology solves. For example, when defining the term we say that it is the element of the Scheme of the process of cognition that follows another element named and precedes the element named (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). But what is the ? It is the element that follows and precedes . What is ? It is the element that follows and precedes . Well, but what is ? It is the element that follows and precedes . In the same way we define as the element that follows and precedes ; the follows and precedes ; the element named follows and precedes . The last one follows and precedes . 

This element, in its turn, follows and precedes . But what is information? It is the element that follows and precedes . It may be seen that having given definitions to this element of the Scheme of the process of cognition we have completed a circle which we will call a tautological cycle. It must be admitted that the presence of tautology in definitions given to prime concepts prohibits the construction of a consecutive and non-contradictory theory. But what we have in our case? First of all it must be said that we will regard the Scheme of the process of cognition in its development, since its part, namely, the cognitive space, evolves by definition. If the elements of some system are defined using the CSS principle “Definition of the element of the model” by forming the tautological cycle, and the system as a whole can evolve, then we will deal with evolving tautological cycle too. It means that the presence of tautological cycle on every stage of the development of a system do not prohibit us of constructing a consecutive theory, because we are mainly interested to learn how the system evolves as a whole (to learn the law of its evolution). In other words, if some system does evolve, work or function, then it does not matter how or whether we have given non-tautological definitions to its constituent elements.

Types of cognitive space
Cognitive paradoxes. We have mentioned above that subjective experience may be the element of the theoretical base of the process of cognition. Let us define subjective experience as a system of knowledge that is being formed through the human’s lifetime. The way in which this system of knowledge is being formed can be described as follows: the subject of cognition (here, the human) differentiates (separates) himself from the object of cognition. For example, the investigator (as the subject of cognition) is here, but the object of investigation (the cognitively independent entity just after being enframed) is there, to wit, in the cryostat, on the plate under the microscope, in the sky, in the open-air cage, in the ocean, under the Earth’s crust, etc. Let us now accept that if the theoretical base of the process of cognition is formed on the basis of the human’s subjective experience, then the and the correspondent form the A-type cognitive space (the A-space).

Specifically, the object of cognition and the subject of cognition (as denotatum-notion complexes) were regarded as the elements of a decompositional model. However, to divide the object into constituent parts, the influence must be exerted upon the object. Let us accept that to regard something in such or other manner means, at first, to select some methodology of investigation. According to this methodology, the were developed in the direction of enhancing of the influence upon Reality (see Fig. 3). Such a rule was useful when a human intended to investigate the insides of a coconut, and thus the investigator cracked it open with a stone. 

However, the question is a valid one: is it possible to investigate the laws of brain/mind functioning using the decompositional methodology? Nonstatanalysis says that it is not sufficient to use only the decompositional model when investigating/formalizing the brain/mind functioning, and offers another scheme of experimental space – the dissociational model of the process of cognition (see Fig. 6). Such a scheme foresees that during the process of 9 cognition the subject of cognition and the object of cognition form a subject-object complex (see Fig. 8b). That is to say: the subject of cognition cognizes itself. Such a scheme corresponds with a particular and which together form the B-type cognitive space (the B-space).

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