United States Presidents范文 [英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

范文:“United States Presidents  ” 本论文介绍了从华盛顿到罗斯福的历届美国总统。华盛顿-一致由选举团选举产生。亚当斯-在两党制下进行第一次选举,英语论文,他毕业于哈佛大学,而且是住在白宫的第一任总统,英语论文范文,宣誓就职于华盛顿特区。麦迪逊-从普林斯顿大学毕业...

The Presidents of the United States · Washington- only president to be unanimously elected by Electoral College. had teeth made of hippopotamus ivory. acted like a king. · Adams- first election under real two party system. Graduate of Harvard. First president to live in the White House. Only father-son presidency. Died July 4th same day as Jefferson · Jefferson- wrote the Declaration of independence. Designed his home. First president to take the oath in Washington, D.C. Very talented. Died July 4th same day as Adams Never spoke in public because of voice. 

Madison- graduate from Princeton. Was the first president to wear trousers. Very short, always wore black. · Monroe- first president to ride on a steamboat. The only president to have a foreign capitol named after him. Died on July 4th · Adams- graduated from Harvard Helped establish Smithsonian Institute. Kept a diary for over president.-X

