Exploratory discussion on economic and cultural comparison between China and America[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25



Under the background of globalization different countries have communicated a lot in economic and cultural activities. Due to the difference of social institution, even China and America have frequent contacts from many aspects, there are still some significant difference between them, especially in economy and culture. In this thesis, the economic and cultural comparison between China and America will be given by the support of significant phenomenon and previous study, and the influence factors  also will be discussed.

II.Difference in Economy Aspect

In nowadays, the United States as the typical developed countries, it has the great economic strength and far ahead of other countries in the world. China, as the biggest developing country, also has a high rate of economic growth. Although between these two economies, they have totally different situations.

A.Economic Stocks and Economic Flows

Firstly, there are two critical economic index we should pay attention to, one is economic stocks and the other is economic flows. They both are used to assess one country’s economic situation. Economic stocks means the value of economic variables in a certain point of time. Economic flows refers to  the amount of economic activity scales during a period of time.

On the one hand, when it comes to the investment rate or savings rate in a specific year, for instance,  in any one of the last thirty years China has more than 40 percent on investment rate or savings rate and America only has no more than 10 percent on theses two index. Therefore, if people focus on the economic flows, then China has a better performance in economic activities than America.

On the other hand, from the view of economic stocks, which is the accumulate result of product and other economic activities. Due to America has the biggest economic scale all over the world at a very early time, even China has a high economic growth rate today, China still fall behind America in economic stocks in a long term. Therefore, if people focus on the long term of economic stocks, then America has a better performance in economic activities than China.

In conclusion, China has a high speed of economic growth, therefore, it has a better performance in economic activities than America if we focus on the economic flows of recent years. Due to America has a substantial savings in a long term, it has a better performance in economic activities than China if we focus on the economic stocks of a very long term. In other words, there are some obvious difference between Chinese and American economic performance when people observe them from different perspective.

B. Online Marketing

The internet is playing an increasingly important role in today’s business marketing in every country of the world. Especially for China and America, online marketing is a great chance to increase their national economic development speed and expand their overseas marketing share rate. However, even the online marketing develop trending are similar in China and America, they still have a lot of difference in business strategies and other detailed situations. This will discuss them according to the marketing rules and typical successful company in China and America, to explore the current diversity of online marketing in major destinations of the America and China.

Due to online marketing is no longer a new business form, some people already did some studies to finding the difference between China and the USA. For example, there is a research aims to compare the destination marketing organization (DMO) websites in the USA and China (Morrison et al. 43-56). By applying a modified balanced scorecard approach, few factors including website marketing strategies, web page designs, marketing information and technical qualities are evaluated. It’s main purpose is to determine similarities and differences among the official destination marketing organization websites in the USA and China. The study start from four tiers of DMO websites: the state tourism offices and convention and visitors bureaus (CVBs) in the United States, and some provincial and city tourism administrations in China. At that time, they found that the destination marketing organization websites in America are superior to those in China in terms of marketing strategies and information, and America’s CVB sites received the highest evaluations.

The study I mentioned before gave us some useful information and research directions. Due to the E-commerce becomes increasingly popular all over the world, I would like to compare the online marketing situations in America and China by comparing their typical successful companies. In America, Amazon is the most famous company for E-business, and in China, it would be Alibaba which is growing rapidly during last few years.
