Life is movement[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

在高中的生活中,作者通过体育运动领悟了一些人生的道理。每个人必须一步一步向前,完成自身的价值。“每迈一步都在骂自己为什么要选择这么折磨人的运动,却又不断安慰自己,没事咬咬牙一切都会过去。一旦爬到坡顶,呼吸顺畅,英语论文,豁然开朗。便想挑战下一个上坡。于是就一遍又一遍地虐待自己。 如今,跑步成了生活中非常重要的一部分。每当人们问我工作之余喜欢做什么,我都会骄傲地回答:我是个跑者。”

Application Essay Throughout the last four years of high school, I have learned so much about myself and the reality of life. High School prepares a person for the rest of his/her life, and going by the last few years, I feel that I am ready to make my mark on the world. I have always tried to involve myself in as many activities as possible. From sports to clubs, I constantly have games and meetings to attend. Until recently, the many changes that have come over me went unnoticed. I am not the greatest basketball player in the world. As a matter of fact, my ability barely reaches mediocre, but I never gave up when it got hard on the court. I always find myself striving to be better.

Whether or not my playing ability improves my attitude and pride in myself skyrockets. Pushing myself to excel I have noticed that the people around me pick up that positive influence and in turn push themselves as well. The last three seasons of basketball have certainly paid off. I feel better about stepping onto the court and taking a shot I might not normally take because I have a confidence in myself and I have the support of my teammates.

Drama club, another important activity to me, inspires me to just be me. Acting serves as an escape from the hassles of everyday life and give me the chance to let go and not have to worry if other people think I am strange. Being on stage with so many unpredictable people and situations gives me a charge like no other and it excites me to wonder what will happen next. Standing on stage, under the lights, looking out into the audience such an intense feeling of accomplishment and self-worth. I am sure that life will throw me some curve balls and that I will knock them out of the park. The next step in my life approaches ever so quickly, and I am confident that I am prepared for it. With the help of my parents and friends I have learned to push through problems and never give up on myself. I only hope that I have had that same impact on other people?s lives as well. Bibliography:

