Literature comparison[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25



I would like to discuss Anne Karenina’s sketch and mine and make some comparison in this response . By analyzing her sketches, I have learnt how to illustrate my own sketches, which makes me know myself better. 

To begin with Anne’s sketches, she uses plenty of “I”s to start sentences, which shows that she is more willing to talk about her experience than me. Her writing style first sends me the feeling of assertive. she describes herself as a firm person in the later part of the article. She mentions that she can give others a push in the right directions, which also shows that she can greatly influence other people. We can also refer that she has developed the personality of firmness since a child. She had to take care of her sister by herself when she was very young, from which she obviously developed good skills in life and sense of responsibility by taking younger ones. Being the mature one among her peer, she can be an industry child as Erikson’s Eight Stage Theory suggests), she could become an industry child as is presented in Erikson’s Eight Stage theory. The development of this stage helps Anne become an assertive person. 

As the high extraversion score shows, Anne tends to stay with her friends. In later puberty, she was not close to her family as certain reason. However, the identity of a family member is gradually replacing the identity of a friend. I think she is more of an introverted person than an extraverted person. She also mentions that compared with going out, she prefers to stay at home. Plus, she is pretty sensitive to capture the emotion of people around. According to the biological basis of introversion from textbook, the introverted people are easier to get tired with external stimulation, therefore, she prefer staying inside and get rest because introverted people are used to gaining energy by being alone. 

By contrasting the result, I believe that she have high neuroticism present. From her article, I could feel that she shows feature of unstable emotions status. Or maybe this feature indicates that she should have a higher withdrawal level. Anyway, the result is basic on I data, she may unable to describe some features of herself. As the fish in the sea, people may not mention certain characteristics they are living with every day. If her friend and family could describe her or finish questionnaire for her, the some result probably different to the present result. 

I believe Anne is a smart girl. She has many hobbies and can get huge success in many things if she works hard. She also got talent to make herself better when live alone. I know that how hard it is to live alone as a girl stay far from family. Opennessas branch of the O dimension, she is very clear about her inner feeling. Her writing style is very creative and attractive. Her sensitive also shows that she graded high on the dimension.

For my own sketch, I think I have something in common with Anne. We have similar experience of identity seeking. Both of us are living in a place far from home. We are high on Openness dimension. I thought the personal sketch is from another me when I read her article first time. She is person that I am becoming in certain meaning. I believe that our similarity is highly related to my experience. Then, I would like to explain my sketch by something inner feeling below.   

To start with, I think I was experiencing a significant identity crisis in a long period. In my senior high school, I was an above-average student. Sometimes when I got top rank, my teacher would praise me as a smart girl. What I could do and what I could do well back then was learning so as to get good grades. It was like a chasing game to me. My mother often encouraged me to pursue high scores in academics. As the textbook mentioned, my mother was my success model. She has a master degree and is very successful on career. She raised me without my father’s help. Under my cultural background, students got a lot pressure from both schools and parents. At that time, I thought learning was the most important thing in my life. I should not care about dressing up or entertainment. There was a stereotype in my understanding that the girls who loved making up but had low test scores could not survive in the society. How can they survive once they are abandoned by husbands? 

When I was a child, my parents always asked me to be an obedient girl. Comply with social rules, do what the parents and the teachers tell you to do and don’t show off. I think I was too into study and didn’t pay attention to coach my other skills. What I behaved in the society was only part of my true self. So part of my identity was missing. 
