
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25


The 19th century saw the appearance and frequent use of telegraph with the harnessing of electricity, but it “was basically limited to receiving and sending one message at a time”. Aware of this defect of the telegraph, many a scientist began to concentrate their efforts on the betterment of it to make possible that multiple messages could be transmitted over the same wire at the same time, called Multiple Telegraph. Among those making a substantial contribution, Alexander Graham Bell stood out with his musical or harmonic approach,英语论文,on the basis of the principle that several notes could possibly be transmitted simultaneously along the same wire if they were differed in pitch. In the summer of the same year, Bell came up with a creative idea of creating a new device that would successfully transmit speech sounds electrically. After numerous experiments on this new device, Bell finally made it, inventing the first working telephone in the world. Sitting atop any list of the-most-important inventions in human history, the telephone not only reshaped people’s life style, but also boosted the social development in the long run, far outweighing the telegraph. Another one contributing a lot to the invention of the telephone is Elisha Gray, a famed and prestigious contemporary of Bell, also a competitor for the telephone patent in the year of 1876. Bell’s successful invention of the first telephone in the world is attributed to his innovative qualities as well as the inspiration from his telephone patent competitorElisha Gray. 
Bell’s capacity for innovation started to surface early in his teenage years. When he is at the age of 12, young Bell built a device “that combined rotating paddles with sets of nail brushes” for his neighbor who owned a flour mill where meticulous and laborious work was need to dehusk the wheat. With the simple machine created by Bell, the process of dehusking got simplified and the time lessened. It was put into steady and effective operation for a great number of years. Later in 1863, Bell’s father took him and his brothers to a unique automaton, intrigued by which, Bell proceeded to experiment with a live object. After continuous efforts, he could reach his hands into the dog’s mouth and made the dog produce some crude sounds by manipulation of its lips and vocal cords. Early experimentation and profound knowledge about the sound paved the way for Bell to invent the telephone successfully. Like his brothers, Bell received his schooling at home from his father, who was an elocutionist at that time. Though Bell was undistinguished in his academic performance for his indifference in those subjects he was not interested in, he showed a magnificent curiosity towards what interested him and experimented a lot with his early creative ideas. Bell not only had creative ideas but he also had the quick determination to execution. As stated by Tomas Chamorro Premuzic in the article entitled “the Five Characteristics of Successful Innovators”, “the key difference between creativity and innovative is execution: the capacity to turn an idea into a successful service, product or venture.”, Bell was someone possessing both and the company established right after the telephone patent was issued to him proved his capacity properly. His capacity for creative ideas as well as his execution of his creative ideas made him the well-known inventor of the first working telephone in the world.
Execution of his creative ideas alone was not sufficient to get him to the invention of the telephone, his perseverance contributed profoundly. In an interview with Alexander Graham Bell, he was asked about the key factors of his success, Bell said that, “perseverance is the chief.” Working as a professor of vocal physiology and elocution in the Boston University School of Oratory, he had to spend a long time on his teaching and private classes, leaving little for his experiments. To make up to the lost time, he chose to stay up way late into the night, carrying out experiment after experiment in his boarding house, even though his health deteriorated by and by. And later in 1873, Bell abandoned his lucrative job in Boston and got fully preoccupied with his experiments with sound. He usually began his work at nine or ten o’clock in the evening and continued until four or five o’clock in the next early morning, because in his opinion, night was a more quiet time to work and it aided thought. (Alexander Graham Bell on Success, Innovation and Creativity) Hard work permeated his whole process of persistent experimentation. His hard work and persistence made him pretty suitable for such time and energy consuming innovative work as the invention of the telephone, which according to Rebecca O. Bagley in her article “The Ten Traits of Great Innovators”, “innovators are not taking shortcuts and are not afraid of going after more complex solutions, even if it means taking higher risks”, persistent hard work step by step is another factor Bell’s success should be attributed to.
As mentioned above, Bell attributed the chief element of his success to perseverance, yet he still said that, “but perseverance must have some practical end, or it does not avail the man possessing it. A person without a practical end in view becomes a crank or an idiot. Perseverance is first, but practicability is chief”. When Bell concentrated his efforts on the research work of a multiple telegraph, he already had envisioned the telephone with his idea of developing a device that would transmit vocal sounds via electricity. With his expertise in the field of sound and music, he knew clearly that he stood in a good position to invent the telephone successfully. Bell not only knew the great possibility of the invention of the telephone, but was also aware of the value and significance of such an epoch-making invention which could possibly revolutionize the whole world. Practicable perseverance with an end empowered and sustained Bell a lot on his way to the successful invention of the telephone. 
