Background Conditions of Opening a Restaurant in Turkey[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25


Because of Turkey’s unique geographical position between Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, it has attracted much foreign investment  from America, despite U.S.-Turkey relation goes through ups and downs in recent years due to the disagreements on Syria question . When I was research the possibilities about opening a restaurant in Turkey, I found there are possibilities for our company to start a fast restaurant in that country.

Turkey, can also be called the Ottoman Empire from year 1290 to 1922, who’s territory covered content of Asia, Africa and America in its most prosperous time, inherited the Islamic culture and culture of the Eastern Roman Empire. In the First World War, Turkey was defeated and lost large tracts of territory. After driving the invaders out of the country, it established the Republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923. And after the Second World War, in order to confront the Soviet Union and the emergence of social revolution, the president of U.S., Truman implemented Marshall Plan to help the western European countries to recover, and Turkey was just one of the two countries in the first beginning of this plan. In 1950, Turkey joined the U.S. in the Korean Warm, and then joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which represented an alliance between Turkey with Europe and the U.S.. Therefore, Turkey, although being an Asian country in terms of geography, it adopts the European model in the political, economic, cultural and other fields.
In Turkey, Turkish is the official language, as well as Kurdish, Zazaki, Azeri, Kabardian. 99% of Turkish people are Muslim, and the majority of them are Sunni. 1% of the population is Armenian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Catholic and others. “Eating is a matter of faith in Islam. All practising Muslim believers obey God Almighty by eating the allowed foods (halal) and avoiding the forbidden foods (haram) which are mentioned in the Qur’an and in the sayings of the final prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).” (“Faith and food Fact Files – Muslim,” pra.2) Clean, good food is Muslims’ favorite, instead, pork, blood, carrion, animals with brutal nature, animals not back chewing, animals with ugly face are all Muslims’ taboo. 

So our menu should be designed with greatest respect of Muslim’s food culture and avoid the religious dietary restrictions. And the staff in our restaurant should also be Muslim and their clothing should obey the law of Muslim’s wearing. For instance, they couldn’t dress in red or yellow. White, green, black are the only three choices of our staff’s uniform. Since the overwhelming majority in Turkey is Muslim, it’s better to hire all Muslim workers to avoid conflicts among them. We may list some store regulations adhere to Islam to select those who are Muslim and willing to obey the regulations. We should also take Turkish’s aesthetic tendency and eating taste preference into account when designing the restaurant decoration and the menu. What’s more, we should also know something about whether Turkish like to try new dishes from another country.

Recently, because of the Syria question, there are more and more refugees settled down in Turkey, and the Turkish government is “under the strain of hosting half of all Syrian refugees.” (Jonny Hogg, Turkey's U.S. Relations Show Strain as Washington's Patience Wears Thin, pra. 29) The political matters always influence the economy. Fiscal tightening will surely cause a downturn in government investment thus affect the people life. Considering such situation, we should locate our restaurant in one of the Turkey’s main big cities to ensure customer source. What’s more, we may also targeting the ordinary residence as our potential customers by providing relative low price food. And this kind of food will be in no need of exceptional ingredients. 
“From a historical point of view, relations between Turkey and the United States are multidimensional and based on mutual respect and interest.” (Relations between Turkey and the United States of America, pra. 1) With such solid foundation between  two nations, even though there are some disagreements in politics in recent years, trade or business will be “the driving force in ties between Turkey and the U.S.”(BARÇIN YİNANÇ, Trade now the driving force in ties between US, Turkey) Among the industries allowed foreigners to invest, the restaurants are generally easy to organize and run.
In a word, opening a restaurant in Turkey is feasible and possible as long as we make detailed and considerate business plans.
Work Cited
BARÇIN YİNANÇ. “Trade now the driving force in ties between US, Turkey”. Hurriyet Daily News. 28 July. 2017< ?pageID=238&nID=69681&NewsCatID=345>
“Faith and food Fact Files – Muslim”. <>
“Relations between Turkey and the United States of America”. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs. < >

Jonny Hogg. “Turkey's U.S. Relations Show Strain as Washington's Patience Wears Thin”. Reuters. 23 October. 2017. < >

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