Mosaic software[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

对于Mosaic software的论文~

Question 1:  What segmentation bases does the Mosaic software use to classify potential customers into their 42 "tribes”?
Mosaic is a geo-demographic and household classification system. It can classify potential customers into 42 tribes. The problem is to find out the segmentation bases it uses. Among the segmentation bases, the core factors are income of the target people. (Slade, 2017) Besides, the factor that the target is the home ownership or renter is also seen as the main core. What is more, the place where the target lives also plays an important role in the segmentation bases it uses. When it comes to the place where the target lives can be divided into two kinds. One is the city or the small town. The other is urban or rural. (Slade, 2017) These segmentations are the core of the classification software, and they play the most important role in the classification. In order to know them clearly, the following part will show an example about it. Just for instance, for Mosaic 2017, it provides data sources with 100 variables which reflect the characteristics of the target. The data sources are built in partnership between experian and PMP. In the sources, the data from census are given as a part of the segmentation bases. Besides, the land information will be supplied to the users as well. If the target user is the owner of the land, what his classification will be different from the one who is the renter of the land even though the other segmentation bases are the same. Mosaic is a common currency which owns more than 40 segmentation solutions. And most of them are built and spread in the world. It has gotten high population in the world due to its full and perfect results. Apart from the segmentation bases mentioned above, the information about property valuation data and attitudinal market is also vital to the classification. (Slade, 2017) And in most cases, these segmentation bases mix with each other and decide the final classification of the target people. Just like the example in the case study, some top segmentations are chosen to classify the target. So in daily life, the users use this the Mosaic software to classify their potential targets to fulfill their purposes. These segmentations are the main core of the classification software and to some degree, it simplifies the process of classification. 

Question 2:  The purpose of the Mosaic analysis is to help Creative NZ identify potential groups that they should be targeting. Using the Mosaic results, identify the top 5 general segments (Lifestyle groups: A, B, C etc ...) and the top 5 specific segments (lifestyle Types:01, 02, 03 etc ...).
As is known to all, the purpose of Mosaic analysis will provide some conveniences to the classification of the targets from Creative NZ. From the result in the table, it is easy to find the top 5 segmentation bases. They are invested suburbia, cosmopolitan terraces, new wave nesters, quarter acre assurance and mortgaged endeavor. These segmentations are the items of different groups. In order to learn them well, the following part will show some details about them. In different segmentation base, there are some items which reflect each segmentation base in detail. For instance, in the segmentation “Symbols of Success”, three items contribute to it. The first one is the item “Wealthy Elite”, which means the high spending established families. The second is the item “Established Affluents”, which means well educated maturing families in prime suburbs”. The third item is “Executive Vista” which means wealthy areas of educated professional family. In this table, the percentage of household to different items are also given. The value of it reflects its importance in the final decision of classification of the targets. The similar analysis of other groups are ignored here. Then let us see the specific segmentations in another table. It is also easy to find that the top five specific segmentations. They are wealthy elite, ambitious entrepreneurs, invested suburbia, new wave nesters, conservative freedom and bright futures. From the results, we can find some same segmentations in the top general segmentations above. In this table, some other data are also given to support the classification of the targets. Most of them are contained in the segmentations which has discussed in the question 1. These general and specific segmentations are the main details about the core of the classification. And on basis of these top segmentations, the classification is simple to be realized and the users of the classification software will feel more convenient. So it is easy to find some more details about these segmentations in the classification software. 

Question 3:  Pacific Micro Marketing offers Newss and Partnership / Sponsorship as two way Creative NZ could get their marketing message to their top target segments. Analyze the frequency of the top 5 specific target segments (your your answer to the second half of question 2) and their news reading habits (News column on page 32) and their proposed response to the two Partnership Marketing options (two PMP Micro marketing columns on page 34).Which option should Creative NZ use to reach the largest number of people in their top 5 specific segments?
In the question 2, we have analyzed the specific segmentations which are wealthy elite, ambitious entrepreneurs, invested suburbia, new wave nesters, conservative freedom and bright futures. From the results, it is easy to find the frequency in different specific segmentations is different. For the specific segmentation wealthy elite, its frequency is the largest. While, the frequency of the specific segmentation new wave nesters is the least. The frequency of the specific segmentation bright futures takes the second place among the top five segmentations. From the frequency of the top 5 segmentations, we can get some ideas about news reading habits, what the public mostly likes the contents about wealthy elite on the news. While, the least attention will be given to the contents about new wave nesters. From the table in page 34, we can see the similar results when facing the top five specific segmentations. However, the two PMP Micro marketing columns on page 34 show that specific segmentation wealthy elite gets the highest index. This result makes me think that the proposed response to the two Partnership Marketing options will be about the specific segmentation wealthy elite. And meanwhile the specific segmentation wealthy elite will be chosen to realize the largest number of people. Because the largest index in this specific segmentation implies that more people pay attention to this and if it is chosen as the option, the number of people who pay attention to this part will increase. So it is easy to find the main core of the classification plays an important role in this response. And if the Creative NZ can capture the best option, the number of the people will be increased gradually in short term. 
To sum up, Mosaic is a geo-demographic and household classification system which uses some general and specific segmentations to complete the classification. This classification system provides the users with convenient functions and uses its simple way to realize the relevant classifications for different users. The questions above gives us some deep comprehension about Mosaic. 

Maria Slade. (2017). Profiling casts fresh light on households. The New Zealand Herald. 
