Descriptive abstract[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

  When addressing the health and well-being problems on campus, there are many issues waiting for us to tackle, such as the inadequate campus medical support including expensive medical fees, poor medical condition etc. When sorting out all the detailed problems, a particular one attracted my attention - inappropriate sex and unwanted pregnancy which not only can do great harm to students’ health but also to their future development. Therefore, I decided to investigate on History of Planned Parenthood in America. As the saying goes, “Histories make men wise”, therefore to understand Planned Parenthood is of great necessity. Moreover, to know the history of Planned Parenthood can enlighten us on how to go with the solution of inappropriate sex and unwanted pregnancy.
  This can be divided into four parts, namely the abstract, summary, body and conclusion which includes recommendation. In terms of the content of the , it is mainly about the history of the Planned Parenthood which focuses on the historical facts of American Planned Parenthood. The investigation method applied in this is bibliographical research method. 

Executive Summary
  History of Planned Parenthood will focus on the development of Planned Parenthood mainly in America and also will refer to other countries’ situation, for the is to help promote the larger project - grant proposal. The covers the establishment and development of the Planned Parenthood from 1916 which is the beginning and till now. The reasons why this concentrates on the history of Planned Parenthood are as the following:
  1. History of Planned Parenthood can tell us why we should beware of the problem;
  2. After we are aware of the problem, what can and should we do to solve the problem, namely the history can provide us a model or a pattern of what we can do to deal with the issue.
  3. History is encouraging. It says: “look, we can do this long time ago, why can not you?”
  The main point of the is the general history of Planned Parenthood. More specifically, it includes what is the organization is about, why did the organization founded, who made contributions to its foundation and how the origination developed. As for the research methods applied in the , it is mainly bibliographical method. For history is mainly recorded on materials, the collected information mainly from authoritive websites of Planned Parenthood which is very trustworthy. 
  Upon the research, the find that despite Planned Parenthood has taken a long and hard time to develop, it helped a lot of people during the course. Planned Parenthood has also facilitated the development of medicine or medical equipment. More importantly, the organization improved the health and well-being of the United State family in general. And now, the organization is gaining momentum. The states of America which have made abortion legal and allowed contraceptive controls are increasing. 
  Based on my findings, the draws a conclusion that college school should also pay attention to this Planned Parenthood problem, because that college students are relatively more venerable to suffer from STDs or unwanted pregnancy which do have a negative impact on their well-being and prospect. College grant should be put in building such similar organization or club which must be rewarding to students.
Brief introduction of Planned Parenthood
  Planed Parenthood is an organization committed to providing contraception and other health services to women and men, funding research on birth control and educating specialists and the public about the results and advancing access to family planning in the United States and around the world. They believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence.1

The reasons for the establish of Planned Parenthood
  It should date back to the 1870s during which a series of harsh measures, called the Comstock laws, were issued, making contraception an illegal act and declaring that information of family planning and contraception is "obscene." As a result, women in the United States were being put in a vulnerable position. They have no rights to vote, sign contracts, have bank accounts, or even divorce their abusive husbands. They cannot control the number of children they have or have access to information about birth control. The over-numbered children of a family can lead to family financial crisis; in African countries can even famine. Even the illegal nature of abortion at that time has led to sever results either to the parents or the children. 
  For instance, from 1956 to 1962, hundreds of women in the U.S. and Europe who took the drug thalidomide while pregnant give birth to children missing arms and legs. Sherri Finkbine, an American mother of four who used thalidomide, is refused an abortion. More than 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the refusal. Mrs. Finkbine flees to Sweden for a safe, legal abortion. (The fetus is gravely deformed.) Her case and others involving women who have taken thalidomide convince many Americans that anti-abortion laws need reform. In 1966, an epidemic of rubella, which, like thalidomide, causes a high incidence of fetal deformity, heightens public anger against abortion bans.2
  For the above reasons, the Planned Parenthood is gradually rooted in the United States and the world.

The establishment of Planned Parenthood and its great contributor
  In1916, Sanger, her sister, and a friend open America's first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York. Very soon, the police raid the clinic and all three women are convicted of disseminating birth control information.
  Despite the obstacles, Sanger founds The Birth Control Review, the first scientific journal committed to contraception. And in 1923 Sanger opens the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau in Manhattan which provides contraceptive devices to women and collect statistics to prove their safety and long-term effectiveness. In same year, Sanger joined hands with the American Birth Control League, an organization that embraces the global issues of world population growth, disarmament, and world famine. Soon the two organizations merge, and later become Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, Inc.
  In 1960s, Planned Parenthood has already become a respected and powerful voice in the movement for women's rights, fighting successfully for increased access to birth control, pushing for the creation and funding of domestic and international family planning programs, and playing a crucial role in the development of the pill and IUD (intrauterine device).
  In 1970s, triggered by the fetal deformity in America and European countries because of the anti-abortion laws, a new revolution on legal and safe abortion law started. And very soon, ten states liberalized family planning legislation and begin to provide family planning services. In 1963, Colorado liberalizes its abortion law, followed by 13 other states in the next three years.
  Today, there is having 716Planned Parenthood health centers across all 50 states, helping numerous people each day. 3

  Review the history of Planned Parenthood, we can see that it has greatly improved the living standard of Americans and advanced the researches on contraception which is an important contribution to scientific research. It has taken a long and hard time to develop it and many efforts has been made during that course. 
  From the history, we know that access to information on birth control or conception is very important to the health and well-being of both women and men. Likewise in college campus where our young man and women are sexually active those days, so here I suggest, college campus inviting more specialists of Planned Parenthood to give informative lectures on birth control or contraception methods. Or, we can send some capable students or volunteers to Planned Parenthood study for a few weeks. And when they came back, they can establish a Planned Parenthood club to communicate with troubled students and held regular club activities concentrating on the Planned Parenthood topic.

1. Planned Parenthood (2017). Find a Health Center. Available at: #sthash.EknruZ1N.dpuf (Accessed: 06, June 2017).
2. Planned Parenthood (2017). Mission Available at: #sthash.k3ooWLd5.dpuf (Accessed: 06, June 2017).
3. Planned Parenthood (2017). History- Success. Available at: #sthash.1sDUPzHk.dpuf (Accessed: 06, June 2017).
