Republicanism and Fascism[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

In history, fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism which came into being mainly in Europe in 20th century. Fascism put emphasis on national syndicalism and are in opposition to liberalism and Marxism, it is a combination of corporatism and nationalism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, centralized form of socialism, militarism, against anarchism, capitalism, communism, and the political philosophy of liberalism; It can be viewed as the extreme forms of collectivism. While, republicanism is the main trend in political thought, which insists that the ultimate political authority comes from the ones people agreed. Modern fascism is synonymous with terror, dictatorship and tyranny and the republicanism represents justice and equality. The similarities and differences between republicanism and fascism will be discussed mainly in political, social, philosophical and economic aspects.
Firstly, in political aspect, the republicans view the mixed balanced constitution is the best constitution for human society. For example, the America is a typical example as the republicanized country; it is a mixture of the President, the senate and the house of representatives. While for the fascism, they favor the individuals and many fascist countries have been in governing by the single leader. Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy were typical examples for individual ruling of fascism. For the similar part, both the republicans and fascisms promote patriotism.
Secondly, in social aspect, the republicans and the fascism both have many discussions on races and religious. While for the fascism, they view ethnic, national, or ethnic status much more important over individuals, institutions or organizations. The racial discrimination in fascist countries is serious, for example, the Jewish people were in persecution from the Germanic in the Hitler time. But the republicans favor the liberty of every single people. Also democracy is an important part for republicans but the fascism promotes the individual's power.
Thirdly, in philosophical part, the republicans consider the holism and political equality as the most important theories. The republicans provide even welfare for every class rather than a certain class. It is materialism.  However, Hitler pushed the voluntarism by Nietzsche. Nietzsche thought that will is power. Nothing can be achieved as long as the will is strong enough. The theory in Adolf Hitler-Mein Kampf written by Hitler is a good example of his power theory and voluntarism.
For the economic part, the fascism is against the capitalism. For the German and Japanese, the only way to develop their economy is to expand for bigger market.


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