This study examines the effects of elaboration on listening comprehension of beginning-level Korean learners. Elaboration is a type of modification that promotes learners' comprehension while maintaining authenticity of texts and keeping grammar or vo...
This study examines the effects of elaboration on listening comprehension of beginning-level Korean learners. Elaboration is a type of modification that promotes learners' comprehension while maintaining authenticity of texts and keeping grammar or vocabulary items to be learned. Eighty-five sophomores who learn Korean as a major at universities in China were classified into four different groups in accordance with types of elaboration, and the scores of the listening comprehension test by 85 Korean learners were compared and analyzed to verify the effects of elaboration.
The contents of this study are as follows: Chapter I demonstrates the necessity and purpose of this study and the definitions of related terms are included in this chapter. The purposes of the study are to verify that elaboration has effects on listening comprehension of beginning-level Korean learners and to find which type of modification is most effective in promoting listening comprehension on replication, synthesis and inference comprehension items. Based on this, the aim of this study is to suggest the guidelines for effective teacher talk and to establish the standard of text modification method for Korean language classes when the text of the class needs to be evaluated and adjusted in accordance with a degree of difficulty. Some terms from the previous studies were revised for the purpose of this study.
Chapter II infers and supports results of the effects of elaboration on listening comprehension through the review of literature on input modifications in second language reading and listening. The previous studies on listening elaboration, based on the experiments, have shown that the learner's comprehension is affected differentially according to the types of input modifications and learner's proficiency levels. It is, however, too premature to accept this hypothesis as a theory duo to a lack of experimental studies. Moreover, considering that most previous studies were from the field of English language education and that there exist differences on phonology and syntax between English and Korean, it is necessary to conduct an experiment considering characteristics of the Korean language.
The research questions are whether 1) elaboration on listening affects learner's comprehension positively, 2) the degree of listening comprehension varies according to the types of elaboration, 3) the degree of listening comprehension varies according to the types of listening comprehension, and 4) the effects on listening comprehension vary according to the types of elaboration. Research hypotheses are provided to respective research questions.
Chapter III describes the method of the study, which includes information on participants, listening test scripts, listening test items, grading guidelines, procedures, methods of data collection and analysis. Appropriate listening test scripts and questions for the experiments were selected thorough an experts' review and a pilot study. Questions with extreme easiness or difficulty were removed to minimize factors decreasing internal validity.
Chapter IV analyzes and discusses the results of the experiments. The results are: (a) as a whole, elaboration affected listening comprehension positively and the total scores of the test were higher in the order of the slow rate / redundancy > redundancy > slow rate > non modification; (b) although there was no statistically significant difference among the types of elaboration, it still needs to note that there are differences on the total scores; (c) differences with statistical significance were found, meaning that the degree of difficulty was different according to the types of comprehension; (d) the slow rate type promoted the learner's comprehension by 4 to 5% regardless of the types of comprehension and the redundancy type was more effective on replication comprehension, while the slow rate / redundancy type improved the synthesis comprehension by a remarkable 25.35%; and (e) the most effective type is the redundancy in replication comprehension, and the slow rate / redundancy in synthesis and inference comprehension.
This study verified the effects of elaboration through the experiment to provide more effective materials which can help listening comprehension of beginning-level Korean learners. The results of the study are as follows. First, it is more effective that contents are elaborated, and especially with a combination of multiple elaboration types, when teachers use the teacher talk in Korean language classes. Secondly, when it comes to adjusting the difficulty level of materials and test items, learners need to be made aware of the fact that the slower and more redundant the speech, the easier listening comprehension.
본 연구에서는 상세화가 초급 한국어 학습자의 듣기 이해에 미치는 영향에 대해 살펴보았다. 상세화는 학습자가 배워야 할 문법이나 어휘를 삭제하지 않고, 진정성 있는 텍스트의 특성을 유...