기억투쟁과 정체성 : 귄터 그라스의 소설 『게걸음으로 가다 Im Krebsgang』 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The German literature of the present is 'literature of memory'. A large number of the works of the German literature, created after the Second World War, are based on a consciousness of the problem, which revolves around the question of how to remedy ...

The German literature of the present is 'literature of memory'. A large number of the works of the German literature, created after the Second World War, are based on a consciousness of the problem, which revolves around the question of how to remedy the memory of the Nazi past. Günter Grass is probably the author who is deeply committed to this 'literature of memory'. All his works are 'Literature of Remembrance', which illuminates the past and recounts the consciousness of the past. At the same time, 『Im Krebsgang』 focuses on the memory of and for itself. Grass is making the forbidden remembrance of the 'German victims' here: By summoning the tabooed memory into consciousness and calling for recognition, it is also a 'struggle for memory'. Previous research on 『Im Krebsgang』 deals with the perpetrators/victims problem, with the relationship between literature and remembrance, or undertake analyzes on the basis of the theory of ‘cultural memory’, or analyze the methods of representation that characterize the novel. However, the reason why the three generations of Pokriefkes recall the specific past in different ways has never been investigated. To clarify this, however, it seems necessary to bring the identity problem into play. Because it is the respective relevant identities, which provide the decisive background for the choice of certain reminder strategies. Contrast with the respective relevant individual identity. In 『Im Krebsgang』, the relationship between memory and identity is treated. Furthermore, the amendment describes an alternative memory dimension, i.e. The 'Krebsgang', which manages the memory leading to political tragedy, thus enabling a true awareness of history. On the basis of this basic consideration, the present study now comes to the following results: The novel 『Im Krebsgang』 demonstrates the process of the change of memory and the danger of falsification of cultural memory that lies within it. The memory of the first generation, which is captivated by personal perplexity, does not pass very little to the second generation, so the third generation still has a distorted memory takes over. The assumption of the distorted memory is conditioned by the 'Affect': the recipients of the stories mediating the memory do not judge distantly, but in empathy with the historians. Thus, in 『Im Krebsgang』, the passing of the distorted memory leads to the reappearance of the tragedy of the past. The three Pokriefke generations differ in the identities to which they belong. Because of the contemporary claim and personal karma, they are determined as perpetrators but they reject or avoid them. In this way, depending on the identity assignment, the dimension of the memory is decided. In the novella, the 'Krebsgang' is a new remembrance dimension. This takes place within the framework of an argument that Paul, who is the 'old', leads with Paul about the process of narrative. The question of the 'how' of memory is centralized. The description of the events follows linearly the time course, but it does not evolve from a single perspective, but illuminates the events from different sides. It gains coherence through the common focus on the same event nodes. Grass refers to the fatalism represented by Tulla and Konny in the Krebsgang. According to him, it depends more on individual political action than on the ideological standpoints or social affiliations adopted by fatalism. This is shown by the social outsider and ideological devotee Tulla. Grass is convinced that the cycle of history can be interrupted by the memory. Because the memory is closely linked to the consciousness of the present. According to this thesis, the form of the 'Krebsgang', which constantly questions the reader and thus expands his consciousness, is a means of interrupting the vicious circle of history. The novel 『Im Krebsgang』, which reveals the existing dimensions of memory and at the same time offers a new dimension, is a guide to the memory of Grass's literary cosmos, which can be described as a 'literature of memory'. Grass presents the Germans as a victim in 『Im Krebsgang』 and thus expands the discourse on the treatment of the past. At the same time, he anticipates the turn of the third generation toward the political right. On the other hand, however, he overlooks the potential of the Internet and remains arrested by a rationalist literary conception that seeks allegory in the individual. On the other hand, the high political relevance of the amendment 『Im Krebsgang』 is to be recognized. By resolving the past, Germany was able to regain the lost respect on the international stage. An important function is the 'literature of remembrance', which is represented in an outstanding way by 『Im Krebsgang』. Insofar as the German reconnaissance of the past continues, the novel "The Krebsgang" can play a decisive role as a guide to memory.
