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资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Time adverbs are the main means of expression of Chinese and Korean, and the number of them is more and more complex. Table "continuation" of the meaning of time adverbs as a time adverb of a class, the study needs to be profound. Currently speaking academic circles on the table, a continuation of the "Adverb of time defined the eve of the same, we will then, to Chinese and Korean table" continuation "adverbs of time to stop the synchronic comparative study. This is divided into five parts: the first chapter is the introduction, divided into the research goal and significance, research content and scale, future research status and the origin of the corpus of four departments. Important explanation of the topic of the notice, affirmed the research object, discussed the whole of the thesis, rectify the Korean table "continuation" time adverbs of the results of the study, for the above research provides practical basis. The second chapter analyzes the semantic features of the "continuation" of the meaning of time adverbs in Chinese and Korean. In the later study and reference to various types of dictionaries, combined corpus, analysis of with examples, summary of Korean and Chinese table "continuation" semantic features of the adverb of time and stop the comparisons, find out the similarities and differences between them. The third chapter is the comparison of the syntactic representation of the "continuation" of the meaning of time adverbs in Chinese and Korean. Through the analysis of the corpus, understand Chinese Korean table "continuation" of the status of the sentence in the sentence in the status of distribution, and then the Chinese Korean table "continuation" of the meaning of time adverbs and different kinds of verbs and adjectives to stop collocation, find the Korean table "continuation" of the meaning of time adverbs in the verb, the description of the choice of the restrictive factors, the initial assessment of the situation, summed up Chinese Korean table "continuation" of the time adverbs used to discipline. The fourth chapter is the pragmatic analysis. On the basis of tone dividing sentence type, evaluation of Chinese and Korean "continuation" meaning time spread in the presence of vice text class difference. Inquiry on the application of oral English and Chinese, the invention of Chinese and Korean table "continuity" meaning the similarities and differences in the body color. At first, in the semantic and syntactic research, combined with the detailed context, the analysis of pragmatic functions. The first is the conclusion. Summary of the full text, summary of the argument, pointing out that the lack of.


摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 第一章 绪论 10-16 1.1 探讨目的及意义 10 1.2 探讨内容及范围 10-12 1.2.1 汉语表“延续”义时间副词界定 11 1.2.2 韩国语表“延续”义时间副词界定 11-12 1.3 前人探讨近况 12-15 1.3.1 汉语方面探讨近况 12-14 1.3.2 韩国语方面探讨近况 14-15 1.4 语料来源 15-16 第二章 汉韩语表“延续”义时间副词的语义对比 16-29 2.1 “延续”的语义框架 16-17 2.2 汉韩语表“延续”义时间副词的语义特征 17-29 2.2.1 汉语表“延续”义时间副词的语义特征 17-23 2.2.2 韩国语表“延续”义时间副词的语义特征 23-28 2.2.3 语义对比 28-29 第三章 汉韩语表“延续”义时间副词的句法表现对比 29-43 3.1 汉韩语表“延续”义时间副词的句法位置 29-34 3.1.1 汉语表“延续”义时间副词的句法位置 29-31 3.1.2 韩国语表“延续”义时间副词的句法位置 31-33 3.1.3 句法位置对比 33-34 3.2 汉韩语表“延续”义时间副词的搭配功能 34-38 3.2.1 汉语表“延续”义时间副词的搭配功能 34-36 3.2.2 韩国语表“延续”义时间副词的搭配功能 36-37 3.2.3 搭配功能对比 37-38 3.3 汉韩语表“延续”义时间副词的连用 38-43 3.3.1 汉语表“延续”义时间副词的连用 38-40 3.3.2 韩国语表“延续”义时间副词的连用 40-42 3.3.3 连用对比 42-43 第四章 汉韩语表“延续”义时间副词的语用对比 43-51 4.1 汉韩语表“延续”义时间副词的句类分布 43-46 4.1.1 汉语表“延续”义时间副词的句类分布 43-44 4.1.2 韩国语表“延续”义时间副词的句类分布 44-46 4.1.3 句类分布对比 46 4.2 汉韩语表“延续”义时间副词的语体色彩 46-48 4.2.1 汉语表“延续”义时间副词的语体色彩 46-47 4.2.2 韩国语表“延续”义时间副词的语体色彩 47-48 4.2.3 语体色彩对比 48 4.3 汉韩语表“延续”义时间副词的语用功能 48-51 4.3.1 “反预期”语用功能 48-49 4.3.2 凸显焦点功能 49-51 结语 51-54 参考文献 54-58
