
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


This based on ancient Chinese Prepositions and Korean particles as the research object, compared the similarities and differences, the two kinds of language learning provide a reference. Chinese Prepositions and Korean particles are content words, time, place, method, cause, object semantics, but Chinese prepositions in nouns, pronouns and noun phrases before Korean particles in nouns, pronouns and noun phrases later. In order to deeply explore the similarities and differences between the two, the adoption of the ancient Chinese application of highest frequency, and semantic function compare diversity of four prepositions "in", "with", "on", "from" and Korean in response to the auxiliary stop compared. Besides the first chapter introduction and the first conclusion, the important content of the following: the second chapter: Ancient Chinese Prepositions and koreanparticles. First analysis of the prepositions of Chinese and Korean auxiliary grammatical features, classification and rectify the prepositions of Chinese and Korean words. At the same time, the similarities and differences of the two are compared and analyzed. The third chapter: the comparison between Chinese Prepositions and Korean auxiliary usage. The Korea student application frequency of Chinese Preposition ", with the highest in, on, from" as an example, compared with the koreanparticles. To "in", "with", "on", "from" the grammatical meaning and usage is basically stopped rectifying and analysis. On this basis, and Korean auxiliary stop comparison analysis. The fourth chapter is the comparison of semantic field of Chinese Prepositions and Korean auxiliary. The third chapter of the invention "in, with, to, from" performance "time, place, scale, premise, coordination, object, according to" and other semantic. Compared with the semantic scale. The corresponding relationship of prepositions of Chinese and Korean auxiliary the examination. The invention "in", "with", "on", "from" and Korean ",,, /, / and twelve auxiliary corresponding," time, place, the end point, the scale, the premise, with, object, according to the semantic. Because prepositions of Chinese and Korean particle grammatical functions are similar, so many students thought have strange semantic effect. The corresponding relationship between the assessment of Chinese Prepositions and Korean auxiliary invented, the ordinary circumstances of Chinese prepositions can correspond to the Korean particles, but in some cases, but with the rest of the ingredients absolutely should. It is assumed to subvert the Chinese Prepositions and koreanparticles complete corresponding.


摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 1 引言 8-12 1.1 探讨近况综述 8-10 1.2 探讨对象与措施 10-11 1.3 探讨目的与意义 11-12 2 现代汉语介词与韩语助词 12-29 2.1 汉语介词与韩语助词的语法特征 12-19 2.2 现代汉语介词与韩语助词的分类 19-23 2.3 现代汉语介词与韩语助词的对比 23-27 2.4 小结 27-29 3 汉语高频介词与韩语助词的对比 29-44 3.1 介词“在“与韩语助词的对比 29-34 3.2 介词“跟”与韩语助词的对比 34-37 3.3 介词“对“与韩语助词的对比 37-39 3.4 介词“从“与韩语助词的对比 39-42 3.5 小结 42-44 4 汉语高频介词与韩语助词的语义范畴对比 44-53 4.1 时间 44-45 4.2 处所 45-47 4.3 范围 47-48 4.4 条件 48 4.5 共同、协同 48-49 4.6 对象、对待 49-51 4.7 依据 51-52 4.8 小结 52-53 5 结论 53-54 致谢 54-55 参考文献 55-57
