对同在西方文明这一框架下的两个分歧国度中国和韩国的说话和文明停止比拟一向是比拟学术研究范畴的一个主要内容,个中对于两国称呼文明的差异和说话用法差异停止研究也有侧重要的意义。在本文中,笔者从微观和微不雅两个角度对汉、韩的亲属称呼做了扼要综述和比较剖析。从微不雅角度,对亲属称呼中最主要、最具代表性的怙恃称呼停止了比较,总结出了三年夜整体特点。即,从全体角度来看,汉语的怙恃称呼遭到了多个平易近族说话的作用,而韩国语怙恃称呼简直没有遭到汉语之外的其他平易近族说话的作用;从构词角度来看,韩语的怙恃称呼有固有词、汉字词和汉字词词根/固有词词尾三种情势,汉语所独有的亲属称呼重要是白话称呼;从方言的角度来看,韩语的方言差别水平较小,而汉语方言称呼具有丰硕性和外部差别性等两年夜特点。除全体比较之外,本文还对怙恃称呼的运用情形(指代功效)停止比较剖析。韩语固有词怙恃称呼的尊谦品级细分而明白,依照尊谦的水平分歧可以分列为,韩语论文范文,汉语怙恃称呼没有这么细分而明白的尊谦品级。别的韩语依据措辞者的年纪和性别及被称谓人的性别对怙恃的称呼出现显著的分歧,汉语则没有这类异同。个体单词的指代规模也分歧。从微观的角度,本论文经由过程对汉韩亲属称呼从父系、母系和夫妻系三个方面停止全体比较,总结出汉韩亲属称呼的一些特色和差异;1.男女有别。依据措辞者或被称谓人的性别分歧,汉语和韩语分离运用分歧的称呼。2。男尊女卑。汉韩都更看重父系,绝对主要看重母系。但韩语较汉语“男尊女卑”更加显著。3。表里有别。在称谓母系亲属时,汉韩都用分歧称谓来与父系亲属辨别开,但在详细的指代功效上有必定差另lJ。别的在这一点上,韩语较汉语表现的更加显著。4。长幼有序,韩语毕业论文,尊卑明显。汉韩亲属称呼较之东方的亲属称呼加倍强调长幼有序。但绝对来说,韩语亲属称呼的尊卑更加明显。5。亲疏清楚。汉语和韩语的亲属称呼较之东方说话中亲属称呼亲疏关系加倍清楚,个中韩语运用寸数法来表现亲属的亲冷淡近关系。6。从“他”亲属称呼。汉语和韩语的亲属称呼中都有从“他”称呼的景象。但汉语的从“他”称呼比韩语要复杂很多。别的鉴于和亲属称呼的联系关系性,本文还对属于社会称呼语领域的拟亲属称呼停止了汉韩比较剖析。 Abstract: The presence under the framework of Western civilization of two different countries of China and South Korea language and culture to stop compared always is comparable to the one of the main contents in the field of academic research, therein the similarities and differences on call two civilization and speak the similarities and differences in usage research also has important significance. In this , the author relatives from the micro and micro two angles of Chinese and Korean call made a brief summary and comparison analysis. From micro perspective, the names of relatives in the main, the most representative of the parents call to stop the comparison, summed up the characteristics of three of the eve of the whole. Namely, from the overall point of view, Chinese parents call by the effect of a plurality of plain near family talk, and Korean parents call almost no by Chinese the other plain near family speak influence; from the morphological point of view, the Korean parents call inherent words, Chinese words and Chinese words / root inherent in the word ending three situation, unique in Chinese names of relatives important is the colloquial name; from the perspective of dialect, Korean dialect differences level is relatively small, and Chinese dialect call has rich and external differences of two of the eve of the characteristics. In addition to all the comparison, this article also called for the parents of the application of the situation (refers to the efficacy) to stop the comparative analysis. Call Korean inherent word parents respect modest grade segments that in accordance with respect modest levels of divergence can be itemized as, Chinese parents call not so subdivided and understand the respect modest grade. Other Korean according to the age and sex of the wording and gender of the name of the person on their parents call appeared significant differences, Chinese does not this kind of difference. Individual word refers to the size of the differences. From the microscopic point of view, this through a process to Chinese and Korean names of relatives from three aspects of the paternal and maternal and marital stop all comparison, summed up the Chinese and Korean relatives refer to some of the characteristics and differences of the two; 1. The sexes. According to the gender differences in the wording of the person or the address, Chinese and Korean separation of the application of the call. 2. Think that women are inferior to men Chinese and Korean are more paternal, maternal absolute value. But the Korean Chinese is "patriarchal" more significant. 3. Inside and outside is different. In the matrilineal relatives appellation, Chinese and Korean have different appellation with paternal kin discrimination open, but in the detail of that function is necessary for the difference on cardiae. At this point, the Korean language is more significant than the Chinese language. 4. Seniority, and obvious. Chinese and Korean kinship terms than eastern kinship terms more emphasis on seniority. But absolutely, Korean kinship terms and more obvious. 5. Clear distance. Chinese and Korean names of relatives compared with the East and talking relatives called affinity disaffinity relationship between double clear, medium applied Korean inch number method to express relatives of Pro cold relations in the past. 6. From the "he" relatives call. Chinese and Korean kinship terms have a picture from the "he". But the Chinese language from the "he" is a lot more complex than the korean. Other given relatives and call the relationship, this also belongs to the social address field of kinship appellation of Korean and Chinese comparative analysis. 目录: |