
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


This takes Korean Korean textbooks "new words Chinese characters in Korean scale" as the research object. The origin of the word for "standard Mandarin Nianye Dictionary (the National Language Research Institute, 2008) and the Korean Dictionary (Jin Ming publishing house, 1998), a total of 5655 vocabulary found 2830 Chinese character words in Korean. Medium, lower 1 a total of 626 vocabulary has 160, lower 2 a total of 675 vocabulary is 233, intermediate 1 a total of 1314 vocabulary has 661, intermediate 2 a total of 885 vocabulary have 432, the higher a total of 1086 1 vocabulary with 619, higher total of 1069 vocabulary is 725 Chinese words in Korean language. First, according to the order to stop at the Korean alphabet. The Chinese and Korean two language for comparative research object has been larger in fact there have been accomplished works. This in later research, according to speak more practical, take qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis method that combines, also referred to China's "ancient Chinese Dictionary" (Academy of Social Sciences speak Institute Press, 2005 Edition (Fifth Edition) 2830 Chinese character words in Korean classified isomorphic synonyms, homonyms, synonyms and comparative analysis. China and South Korea a large number of Chinese words in Korean language is both language learners useful premise, special type synonyms. However with homonymy and synonymy word has become adverse element. I wish this thesis can for both Chinese and Korean learners to provide some reference.


摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 目次 6-8 1 绪论 8-13 1.1 探讨目的 8-9 1.2 探讨措施和范围 9-10 1.3 韩语汉字词探讨情况 10-13 2 韩语汉字词历史考察 13-20 2.1 韩语汉字词传入过程 13-15 2.2 韩语汉字词传入系统分类 15-20 2.2.1 从中国古典作品里传入,借用的汉字词 15-16 2.2.2 从佛经传入、借用的汉字词 16-17 2.2.3 从白话文作品里传入,借用的汉字词 17 2.2.4 从近代西欧文明一起传入、借用的日本语系汉字词 17-18 2.2.5 韩语国内创造的固有韩语汉字词 18-20 3 韩语汉字词演变 20-23 3.1 韩语汉字词演变的原因 20-22 3.1.1 语言的原因 20-21 3.1.2 历史社会的原因 21 3.1.3 心理的原因 21 3.1.4 外国语的作用 21-22 3.1.5 新名称的必要性 22 3.2 韩语汉字词的特点 22-23 4 汉语词汇与韩语汉字词比较略论 23-75 4.1 同形同义词 23 4.2 同形异义词 23-73 4.2.1 初级1里的同形异义词 24-27 4.2.2 初级2里的同形异义词 27-36 4.2.3 中级1里的同形异义词 36-57 4.2.4 中级2里的同形异义词 57-64 4.2.5 高级1里的同形异义词 64-70 4.2.6 高级2里的同形异义词 70-73 4.3 异形同义词 73-75 5 韩语汉字词学习策略 75-82 5.1 因韩语汉字词而产生的偏误类型 75-79 5.1.1 母语迁移型偏误 75-77 因词性不同而产生的偏误 75-76 因词义不同而产生的偏误 76-77 因搭配习惯不同而产生的偏误 77 5.1.2 目的语规则过度泛化造成的偏误 77-78 5.1.3 教学转移所造成的偏误 78 5.1.4 交际策略造成的偏误 78-79 5.2 韩语汉字词教学应对策略 79-82 5.2.1 词性不同造成的偏误教学 79 5.2.2 义项异同造成词义不同的词汇教学 79-80 5.2.3 搭配习惯造成的偏误教学 80-82 6 结论 82-83 参考文献 83-85 附录 85-121 后记 121-122 简历 122
