韩中两国具有悠长的传统文明和哲学思惟,西方国度崇尚礼数,韩语论文题目,如许的美风良俗在古代说话社会中仍然保留无缺,敬语就是两国优良传统文明的表现。但是韩国语的敬语变更要比中文敬语庞杂,中国语圈的韩语进修者所出错误不堪列举,对这些毛病案例停止体系剖析,对找失足误缘由和今后的韩语敬语教授教养计划的研究将有深远意义。本论文运用社会说话学的实际和办法,对中国语圈的韩语进修者敬语进修样相停止剖析研究,并附有结语,韩语毕业论文,重要构造以下。第一章重要讲述了论文的研究目标、研究偏向和研究现状;第二章重要对中韩两种说话的敬语情势停止了比较剖析;第三章对中国语圈韩语进修者的韩语运用现状停止了查询拜访问卷并汇集成果停止整合剖析;第四章为本文重点部门,对进修者的毛病案例停止了普遍的汇集并在主体敬语法、客体敬语法、绝对敬语法和语用学敬语运用特色四个方面睁开了具体周全的剖析;第五章对后面错例产生缘由停止了探寻;第六章结论对整篇论文停止小结,并提出缺乏和研究远景。 Abstract: South Korea and China have long traditional culture and philosophy thought and Western countries advocating etiquette, such wind and good morals in ancient speaking society remains intact honorific lies in our excellent traditional culture. But the Korean honorific change than Chinese honorific complex, Chinese language circle of Korean learners mistakes unbearable lists, the wrong case stop system analysis, to find the slip error reason and future Korean honorific teaching plan research will have far-reaching significance. In this , the application of social talk science theories and methods, on Chinese language learning Korean honorific learning like phase ceased to analysis and study, and is accompanied with a conclusion, important structure. The first chapter describes the important research objectives, research the status quo bias and; the second chapter of China and South Korea two important speech situation compared to stop honorific analysis; the third chapter on the application status of Korean language learners of Korean Chinese circle has carried on the investigation and collection of questionnaire results of integration analysis; the fourth chapter is the key sector the learners with a general collection of case and in the main grammar, grammar, grammar object absolute and pragmatics honorific four aspects of a detailed analysis of application characteristics of open comprehensive; the fifth chapter analysis of the reasons were behind wrong cases; the sixth chapter is the conclusion of the whole thesis and stop the summary, put forward the lack of research and prospect. 目录: 摘要 2 外文摘要 3-4 目录 4-6 正文 6-74 参考文献 74-76 攻读学位期间的探讨成果 76-77 附录 77-79 谢辞 79-80 |