
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The quintessence of Han Xi appeared in "HSK dynamic composition corpus" meaning easy promiscuous situation, comparative analysis and error analysis. Take special Chinese acceptation angle analysis to learn Korean Chinese word meaning easy promiscuous vision and with the quintessence of Korean learners mother tongue compared deep-seated analysis of mixed reason. In essentially, this draws the results of the study applied to the reality of Korean and Chinese vocabulary teaching will double to promote foreign language teaching theory and practice development. This thesis is divided into six chapters and the contents of each chapter governs how to do: the first chapter: mainly introduces the topics of reason, research summary, research methods and research value. In the second chapter, the relevant content of the definition and interpretation: Chen HSK dynamic composition corpus easy promiscuous relationship of synonyms and near synonyms, and the presence of achievement, easy promiscuous words important types and characteristics and easy promiscuous words and in fact set. The third chapter of Han easy promiscuous semantic research: on Han Chinese HSK static composition corpus "in the emergence of new HSK level 4 double syllable words mixed stop description and analysis of hybrid origin. A comparative analysis of Chinese and Korean words and expressions in Chinese and Korean vocabulary semantic relationship. On the same (near the meaning of morpheme and different hormone hybrid, hybrid Han Han on the translation of the meaning of the word, homograph morpheme and different hormone mixed words, polysemous words make to hybrid word error analysis. The fourth chapter of Han easy promiscuous words teaching strategy: to the quintessence of Korean learners of Chinese speech exchange teaching provides four teaching strategies, namely the same morpheme analogy, usage, emotional meaning and color meaning analysis teaching. Teaching design of the fifth chapter of Han mixed four groups of words: a critical review argued most often emerge in large numbers of morpheme, scale, style comparison method, the design of the four sets of hybrid words. The sixth chapter is the conclusion: the results of this study are summarized. The study of Korean Chinese language learners easy to stop the study of hybrid. Research notes, Korean learners of Chinese words and morphemes with important hybrid migration Korean vocabulary knowledge is closely related to. Hope this article research results for Korean Chinese vocabulary teaching and textbook writing to provide assistance and on the growth of Korean and Chinese teaching to promote action.


摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 目录 7-9 第一章 绪论 9-14 第一节 选题缘由 9-10 第二节 探讨措施 10-11 第三节 本文相关的探讨综述 11-13 第四节 探讨价值 13-14 第二章 本论文相关概念的界定与说明 14-22 第一节 易混淆词与同/近义词的关系及存在范围 14-16 第二节 易混淆词主要类型与特点 16-18 第三节 本文“易混淆词”的确定 18-22 第三章 对韩易混淆词偏误略论 22-49 第一节 同(近)义的易混淆词 22-40 一、同(近)义同素混淆 22-28 二、同(近)义异素混淆 28-30 三、韩语对译词混淆 30-40 第二节 异义的易混淆词 40-46 一、异义同素混淆词 40-43 二、异义异素混淆词 43-46 第三节 多义词语交相易混淆词 46-49 第四章 对韩易混淆词教学策略 49-53 第一节 语素略论讲解 49-50 第二节 理性意义略论讲解 50-51 第三节 用法对比讲解 51 第四节 色彩意义对比讲解 51-53 第五章 对韩七组词语的教学设计 53-60 第一节 词语之间的混淆解析 53-56 第二节 韩汉对译词的混淆解析 56-60 第六章 结语 60-61 附录 61-76 附录A 准易混淆词(272) 61-70 附录B 易混淆词(209) 70-76 参考文献 76-78 后记 78
