比来几年来,作为外语,韩国语的教导有了伟大的成长。跟着韩国国际位置的进步,韩国语教导不管是在韩国国际照样在国外,正成为一种潮水。特殊是跟着韩流的鼓起,在中国想学韩语的人急速增长。是以中国许多四年制年夜学和年夜专院校设立了韩国语学科。很多年夜学韩国语学科的设立,天然而然地构成了韩国语教材的年夜量需求。各个年夜学在韩国语专业的的设置进程中,因为造就目的和详细前提的分歧,专业课的设置上虽有所差别,但年夜部门科目具有类似的特色。在韩国语教材方面也是,从质和量上与几十年前比拟,有了很年夜的成长。然则正如中国的韩国语教导还处于低级阶段一样,在教材的开辟方面也存在着许多的缺乏,这是尽人皆知的实际。本论文中,引见了如今中国100余所年夜学里,开设了韩国语专业,其学科科目标开设也愈来愈多样化,而且韩国语教材的选择规模也愈来愈广的现实。同时剖析了中国和韩国到今朝为止,之外国工资对象所运用的韩国语教材的研究、开辟状态,同时指出了个中存在的成绩。笔者依据多年来以汉族先生为对象停止的韩国语教授教养进程中积聚的经历,指出了现阶段各年夜学运用的韩国语精读教材中,在语法项目标解释中存在的成绩,并提出了笔者自己的处理办法。对语法项目解释中的成绩,停止周全的剖析是一个宏大的课题,所以本论文中仅以先生在进修进程中和平常生涯中,运用频率较高、发问较多同时轻易产生毛病的2个语法项目为例,阐述了本身的不雅点。第一,如今所运用的教材中提到的,但其解释不周全,没无形成系统的语法解释。例如表现来由的衔接词尾“—(?)/(?)/(?)”和“—((?))(?)”。第二,在现行教材中,描述词活用法的内容简直为空白。恰是由于这些内容的缺乏,在教授教养进程中常常发明先生们因为没有控制好这方面的常识,用韩语写作或会话时,常常出错误。用以上的内容来表述不雅点的时刻,以笔者地点黉舍学韩语的先生为查询拜访对象,停止查询拜访,而且剖析其成果,由此来作为无力的论据,真实地反应精读教材对进修韩国语的先生所带来的作用。在此愿望本论文的研究结果能对今后编写更好的韩国语精读教材起到必定的参考感化。 Abstract: In recent years, as a foreign language, Korean taught with great growth. Follow the progress of the Korea international position, whether it is taught in Korea Korean international still in foreign countries, has become a tide. Especially with the rapid growth in the Korean muster, China people who want to learn korean. In many Chinese four years of University and college and universities set up Korean subjects. The establishment of many Korean university disciplines, naturally form a large demand for Korean textbooks. Each university in Korean professional setting process, because creating purpose and with the premise of the differences, the professional class despite the differences, but Nianye sector subject has characteristics similar to the. In the Korean language textbooks is, from the quality and quantity and dozens of years ago, had the very big growth. However, as China's Korean language teaching is still at the lower stage as, in textbook development there are many lack. This is a well-known practical. In this , introduced the nowadays in China more than 100 years of University, the creation of a professional Korean, Koko the scientific goal setting are more and more diversified and Korean textbook selection, scale is also getting more and more popular reality. At the same time, analyzes China and South Korea so far, foreign wage object, the application of Korean textbook research, development status, also pointed out that the medium in the presence of achievement. The basis for many years by Mr. Han to stop the Korean Teaching in the process of the accumulation of experience, pointed out that at this stage of the university application Korean intensive reading textbooks, exist in the grammar item target interpretation results, and puts forward the author's approach. The explanation of grammatical items in the results, a comprehensive analysis is a vast subject, so the only to Mr. in the learning process and the daily life, the application of high frequency, ask more and easily produce wrong two grammar project as an example, expounds the itself indecent point. First, now the materials mentioned in the application, but its explanation is not comprehensive, no formation of a system of grammatical interpretation. For example, the suffix "- a cohesive performance (?) / (?) / (?)" and "- ((?)) (?)". Second, in the current teaching materials, the content of describing the usage of words is almost blank. Precisely because of the lack of these content, in the process of teaching, students often find that students have no control over this aspect of common sense, Korean writing or conversation, often a mistake. With the contents of the above to express the indecent point moment, in place of the school happen to learn Korean, as investigation object, carries on the investigation, and the analysis of the results, thereby as a feeble argument, the real reaction effect of intensive reading textbooks to learn Korean, brought about by the. In this study the desire to write a better future Korean reading plays a certain reference role. 目录: |