本文经由过程网站检索、问卷、访谈等情势查询拜访了西安地域32家盈利性翻译公司,韩语论文网站,汇总了公司、市场、从业人员、翻译对象、行业准则等方面的根本信息。查询拜访显示,西安地域的翻译公司重要为中小企业,重要翻译语种为英语、韩语、日语等,偏向重要为外译汉,翻译项目国际化程度较差,重要来自国际,多属于专业笔译。今朝西安当地高程度专业翻译人员稀缺,年夜多半从业人员处于中等偏低支出程度。国产翻译软件在西安翻译行业运用较为普遍。因为现有国度级翻译行业尺度为建议性尺度,免费韩语论文,处所尺度还没有出台,翻译行业广泛存在治理凌乱的情形。 Abstract: Through the website retrieval, questionnaire and interview situation query visited Xi'an region 32 for-profit enterprise translation and summary of the enterprise, market and practitioners and translation of the object, the principle of the fundamental information. Investigation shows, the translation business of Xi'an region important for small and medium-sized enterprises, important languages English, Korean, Japanese, tend to important for translation, translation of international project is less important from an international, is one of the most professional translation. At present, Xi'an local high degree of professional translators are scarce, most practitioners in the middle low income level. Domestic translation software is widely used in the translation industry in Xi'an. Because the existing national translation industry standards for the proposed scale, the premises of the scale has not been introduced, there is a wide range of translation industry governance messy situation. 目录: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 8-9 Abstract 9 摘要 10-13 CHAPTERⅠINTRODUCTION 13-17 1.1 Significance 13-14 1.2 Research Objectives 14-15 1.3 Methodology 15-17 CHAPTER Ⅱ PREVIOUS STUDIES 17-22 2.1 Overseas Studies 17-19 2.2 Domestic Studies 19-22 CHAPTER Ⅲ STATUS QUO OF TRANSLATION ENTERPRISES 22-29 3.1 General Information 22-24 3.2 Service and Prices 24-26 3.3 Translation Process 26-29 CHAPTER Ⅳ MARKET ANALYSIS 29-36 4.1 Language and Directionality 29-31 4.2 Types of Translation 31-34 4.3 Market Share 34-36 CHAPTER V TRANSLATORS 36-42 5.1 Full-time Translators 36-38 5.2 Part-time Translators 38-41 5.3 Summary 41-42 CHAPTER VI TRANSLATION TOOLS 42-45 6.1 Use of Translation Tools 42-44 6.2 Research and Development of Translation Tools 44-45 CHAPTER Ⅶ PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS 45-48 7.1 Market Accessibility of Translation Companies 45-46 7.2 Qualifications of Translators 46-48 CHAPTER Ⅷ CONCLUSION 48-50 BIBLIOGRAPHY 50-53 AppendixⅠ: Translation Enterprises Surveyed in Xi’an 53-55 Appendix Ⅱ: Questionnaires 55-61 |