在根本控制了汉语语法常识后,文章的起承转合——即汉语连接与连接方面的常识,对于留先生来讲就成了一个难点。最近几年来,对留先生篇章偏误的研究愈来愈获得对外汉语学界的看重,这些研究多以母语为英语、韩语、日语的留先生为研究对象。本文运用篇章说话学、对外汉语写作教授教养等后人的相干实际研究结果,以越南留先生为研究对象,对一百八十篇越南留先生的作文停止定性、定量剖析,对越南留先生在篇章连接手腕方面的偏误情形停止描述。统计成果注解,偏误的散布很不屈衡。省略偏误最多,跨越了偏误总量的一半,其次是时与体偏误、照顾偏误,替换是这几种语法连接手腕中偏误起码的一种。最初以此为基本,本文以教材和教法为动身点,商量若何在对外汉语写作课的中停止篇章教授教养,削减留先生作文中的篇章偏误。 Abstract: In the basic control of the knowledge of Chinese grammar, the transitions that Chinese connection and connection of knowledge, stay on the first born speak became a difficulty. In recent years, more and more studies on the discussion of the errors of the last chapter have gained more and more attention in the field of foreign language, which is the study of English, Korean and Japanese. In this paper, the application of text learning to speak, Chinese as a foreign language writing teaching and other descendants of the relevant theoretical research results, in Vietnam, leaving Mr. as the research object, to 180 Vietnam left Mr. composition of qualitative, quantitative analysis, to Vietnam left Mr. connection aspect of the wrist in discourse errors stop describing. Statistical results notes, the bias of the spread is not balanced. Omit the most errors, across the total amount of half of the error, followed by the time with the body bias, take care of errors, replacement is a kind of grammatical connections in the wrist of the least error. At first, as the basic, this article takes the teaching material and the teaching method as the starting point, and discuss how to stop the text teaching in the foreign language writing class, and cut down the text errors in mr.. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第一章 绪论 8-13 1.1 问题的提出 8-9 1.2 探讨价值 9 1.3 相关领域前人探讨成果 9-13 1.3.1 篇章的概念 9-10 1.3.2 国内汉语篇章理论探讨 10-11 1.3.3 留学生篇章偏误探讨近况 11-13 第二章 越南留学生篇章语法衔接手段偏误略论 13-32 2.1 探讨设计 13-14 2.1.1 解题 13 2.1.2 探讨措施 13 2.1.3 语料来源及说明 13-14 2.2 偏误分布统计 14-16 2.3 偏误略论及讨论 16-32 2.3.1 省略使用偏误(269个) 16-22 2.3.2 时与体使用偏误(59个) 22-25 2.3.3 照应偏误(63个) 25-30 2.3.4 替代使用偏误(5个) 30-32 第三章 结论及启示 32-39 3.1 偏误分布特点 32-33 3.2 教学建议 33-39 3.2.1 整体思路 33-34 3.2.2 教材 34-36 3.2.3 教学措施 36-39 结语 39-40 参考文献 40-42 致谢 42 |