
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


This article is in sage research basically, Goguryeo language and Goguryeo and the surrounding plain near family to conduct a comprehensive study of the, through evaluation process Goguryeo language speech, speech vocabulary, grammar and through the process of Goguryeo language and the surrounding the language compared, namely the Korean Silla and Goguryeo language comparison, Goguryeo language and full of Tungusic language comparison, Goguryeo language and Japanese analogy, Goguryeo language and Mongolian analogy, Goguryeo language and Turkic compared to construct the quasi Goguryeo language to remind the external discipline, and concludes that the Goguryeo and surrounding ethnic relations. This article is divided into three sections: introduction, comment and conclusion, which is divided into five chapters. In accordance with the order of the line of the main contents of this paper and an overview of the following: the first section of the introduction, is divided into three departments. The first part is the definition of the basic concept; the second part of the reasons for the topic and significance of the analysis; the third sector of the different points and difficulties to stop the summary. The second sector, notes, is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is zkg research review, which is divided into three sections. First section is three talk section of the similarities and differences of fault, a don't ya think Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla three with the words, also don't ya think the differences to speak; the second section for the Goguryeo language of restoration, chapeau demonstrated recovery of Goguryeo language support, and borrow place names, names and Guanming to Goguryeo language stop restoration; the third section for ownership of Koguryo, separation and Japanese, Korean, the new Romanian, Tungusic languages, Mongolian, dialect and Chinese similar and conclusion of eight phrases. The second chapter discusses the Koguryo word historical data, is divided into three sections. The Chinese and foreign historical see summary of Goguryeo language names, official titles and names; the second section of the clear semantic words pick out special research. In the third section, from the point of view of part of speech, the Goguryeo language points as nouns, verbs, descriptive words, numerals, adverbs, auxiliary words, six departments, and to each of the words all through the process of external structure quasi way stop meticulously phonological and semantic research, to rebuild Goguryeo words sink. The third chapter examines the word and voice of Goguryeo language, is divided into four sections. The first section summarizes the previous research on Koguryo language, including the voice of the division, that symbol, dialect research. The second section examination of the Goguryeo language external speech corresponding discipline, including word initial consonant rules, word Oko sound rules and vowel rule. The third section examines zkg consonants, vowels and syllables, and the separation of construction. The fourth section examines the Goguryeo language vocabulary, reach vocabulary construct, and pointed out the Goguryeo language with dialects. In the fourth chapter, the Gao Juli language is divided into three sections. First section is with the Korean Silla analogy, it is concluded that the results of Goguryeo language isn't the new Romanian, the bottom of the Korean with the composition of the Goguryeo language; the second section is in comparison with a Jurchen eyeful of Tungusic languages, it is concluded that the achievement is the Goguryeo language with its stop contact to speak, and then speak similar. The third section is the Goguryeo language compared to with the Japanese, concluded that the results may Hui ethnic migration incur differences of some words. The fifth chapter is zkg with grassland nation speak analogy, divided into two sections. The first section is Goguryeo language with Xianbei a Mongolian compared; the second section is Goguryeo language compared to the same Turkic, this chapter of producing more speech like degree is departments in most of the eve of the. This kind of greater similarity makes it necessary for us to make further research on the historical data. The third sector, the conclusion. Through the process of yemaek family origin and migration and Goguryeo and the surrounding plain near family ties, plus behind to talk to compare results, relationship of Goguryeo and surrounding ethnic concluded.

