说话是人类在从事社会生涯的时刻必弗成少的一种对象,习得一家世二说话,不只须要我们有卖力勤学的精力,韩语论文题目,更要对所学说话和本身的母语有深条理的懂得和感悟。韩国粹生在进修汉语的时刻常常会产生一些弗成防止的偏误,这些偏误的起源有许多种。个中一种则是源于母语负迁徙的作用。“迁徙”景象对于全部第二说话习得的进程作用是很年夜的。先生已在一种语境(如母语或中介与语境)中控制的器械对于在另外一种语境(目标语语境)的进修有所赞助,那末就是“正迁徙”。假如是相反的话,就是我们文中所要重要评论辩论“负迁徙”。辞汇是说话的要素之一,本篇论文重要从辞汇动手研究韩国粹生在进修汉语的时刻,韩语论文范文,基于母语一韩语所带来的说话习气对于汉语习得的作用。和在进修傍边,进修者和教员针对这一景象所概述的一些处理战略。 Abstract: Speech is human in the social life of the time will be put into an object, the acquisition of a second language, not only need to be we have hard studious energy, but also a deep organized to learn the mother tongue to speak and understand and comprehend. Korean students in learning Chinese time often will produce some inevitable errors, these errors have many origins. One of them is affected by the negative migration. "Migration" scene on all second language acquisition process is very big. Has been in a context (such as mother tongue or intermediary and context) the control of the instruments in another context (target language context) learning to sponsor, that is "positive transfer". If it is the opposite of what is in the paper, we will review the important debate on "negative migration". Vocabulary is one of the elements to speak, this thesis important from lexical hands-on research Han quintessence of Chinese students in learning Chinese at the moment, the effect of a native Korean speaking habits based on the acquisition of Chinese. And in the study, learners and teachers for some treatment strategies this scene outlined. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第一章 引言 8-11 1.1 探讨目的 8-9 1.2 探讨范围及探讨措施 9 1.3 探讨意义 9-10 1.4 本论文的构成 10-11 第二章 韩国语词汇的特征 11-16 2.1 韩国语的定义 11 2.2 韩国语词汇的发展历史 11-12 2.3 韩国语词汇的分类 12-13 2.4 韩国语词汇的特征 13-16 2.4.1 敬语语法中词汇的变形 13-14 2.4.2 助词的发展 14 2.4.3 感知语的发展 14-15 2.4.4 外来语的泛滥 15-16 第三章 现代汉语词汇的特征 16-18 3.1 现代汉语的定义 16 3.2 现代汉语词汇的分类 16 3.3 现代汉语词汇的特征 16-18 第四章 词汇负迁移现象 18-27 4.1 词性 18-19 4.2 词汇负迁移现象 19-27 4.2.1 汉字词 19-22 4.2.2 副词 22-24 4.2.3 动词 24 4.2.4 外来词 24-26 4.2.5 词汇的熟语系统 26-27 第五章 解决策略 27-32 5.1 负迁移现象产生的原因 27-29 5.1.1 拘泥于课堂和自己的生活圈子 27 5.1.2 汉字词的作用 27-28 5.1.3 学习策略导致的偏误 28 5.1.4 常见工具书引起的偏误 28-29 5.2 解决策略 29-32 5.2.1 加强情景学习 29 5.2.2 结合语境的词汇指导 29-30 5.2.3 通过活用母语要素的对比的词汇指导 30-32 结论 32-33 参考文献 33-36 致谢 36 |