
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Parting word "from the" "joint" on parting words, grammar circles exist too many have not reached consensus. Is due to the special, so parting words become leave one big difficulties of students studying Chinese, but also the quintessence of Han students learn Chinese hinder. Chinese and Korean belong to different types to speak. In grammar, vocabulary, and many other aspects exist great difference, with South Korea Chinese textbooks and teachers of parting words is not enough value, teaching inadequate sufficient, attracted many Korea student in parting words exist many errors. Therefore, learning conditions for Korean Chinese words and the university student made relevant research. Wish to Chinese word teaching and provide some reference. This paper is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter, introduction, introduces the topics of reason, purpose, significance and introduced the object of study and research methods. The second chapter, the parting words of Chinese current relevant research overview of the separation introduced pure China and South Korea the quintessence of Chinese culture of parting words research, medium mainly review the gather and word error analysis and teaching strategy research. The third chapter, the four university questionnaire survey statistics. The fourth chapter, the evaluation of College Chinese textbooks and coherent words disposal. Important: parting words in words, text, text and exercises the disposal situation; in Chinese textbook touches the parting words and segregation situation which, whether the presence of achievement. In the fifth chapter, the questionnaire survey basis the based on Chinese and Korean two speak of error analysis, trying to find Korea student exists in the acquisition of Chinese parting words with discipline. The sixth chapter, on the basis of the first two chapters query visit analysis and evaluation of related materials, this paper points out that the Chinese textbook of parting words suggest disposal and teaching strategy. Chapter seven is the conclusion, carries on the summarize and explain the limitations and lack of the study.


摘要   2-3   Abstract   3   第一章 绪论   6-8       1.1 选题缘由、目的及意义   6       1.2 探讨的对象及探讨措施   6-8   第二章 相关探讨综述   8-17       2.1 汉语离合词的本体探讨(中国)   8       2.2 汉语离合词的教学及习得方面的探讨   8-13       2.3 汉语离合词的本体探讨(韩国)   13-14       2.4 汉语离合词的教学及习得方面的探讨   14-15       2.5 小结   15-17   第三章 韩国四所大学问卷调查的结果   17-35       3.1 调查问卷的设计   17-18       3.2 高丽大学的问卷调查结果   18-20       3.3 梨花女子大学的问卷调查结果   20-22       3.4 韩国外国语大学的问卷调查结果   22-24       3.5 韩国放送通信大学的问卷调查结果   24-26       3.6 四所大学的共同统计   26-33       3.7 小结   33-35   第四章 韩国大学汉语教材里的离合词处理情况   35-49       4.1 高丽大学汉语教材里的离合词及离析形式   35-37       4.2 梨花女子大学汉语教材里的离合词及离析形式   37-39       4.3 韩国外国语大学汉语教材里的离合词及离析形式   39-41       4.4 韩国放送通信大学汉语教材里的的离合词及离析形式   41-44       4.5 四所大学汉语教材离合词及离析形式出现情况对比   44-47       4.6 小结   47-49   第五章 汉语离合词的偏误成因   49-55       5.1 母语的作用   49-50       5.2 目的语泛化   50-51       5.3 离合词扩展式掌握不当   51-54       5.4 小结   54-55   第六章 汉语离合词教学策略   55-61       6.1 汉语教材编写方面   55-57       6.2 教师“教”的方面   57-61   第七章 结语   61-63       7.1 探讨的总结   61-62       7.2 本论文的局限与不足   62-63   附录   63-67   参考文献   67-71   致谢   71  
