
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
今朝,世界500强公司面对剧烈的市场竞争和本钱压力,跨国企业纷纭在低本钱地域树立财政后台办事中间或财政外包以掌握治理本钱。欧美财政同享办事及外包中间于上世纪九十年月初显,亚太财政办事同享及外包中间以2000年GE金融团体在年夜连开创为代表。辉瑞的财政中间曾经遍及全球亚、欧、美三年夜地域,韩语毕业论文,包含三个全球财政同享中间及三个全球外包中间。亚太财政同享办事中间于2007年7月在年夜连树立,当今已有五年。办事的市场规模全体在亚太地域的国度,包含澳年夜利亚、新西兰、日本、中国年夜陆及喷鼻港、新加坡和韩国。办事支撑的说话多样,有中文、英语、日语和韩语。支撑的财政/ERP体系比拟庞杂,好比Oracle, SAP, Computron和JDE。财政中间治理的流程包含应收及敷衍账款、员工差盘费盘川报销、总帐及报表、联属企业营业、资金治理、税务核算及报表等财政核算任务。亚太财政同享办事及外包中间现有人员逾250人。财政中间的营业协作同伴是简柏特(年夜连)无限企业,她是年夜连地域最年夜的财政外包机构,其前身是GE金融团体在年夜连的后台机构。优越的财政同享和外包机构的运营可以完成公司和社会共赢的计谋目的一使公司财政本钱获得进一步掌握、财政治理集约化、财政流程尺度化、财政数据通明化、财政运营合规化。进一步完成财政同享办事有着及其主要的计谋意义。辉瑞亚太财政中间在五年的成长进程中曾经奠基了夯实的基本,但同其它任何公司一样,韩语论文,在面对天天都能够产生变更的情况下,财政中间也不免会外行进的进程中碰到成绩、成长的阻力和瓶颈。那末毕竟有些甚么样的优势和优势、挑衅和机会,和若何制订财政中间下一步的成长计谋就变得异常需要。本文拟经由过程对公司财政同享办事内部情况和外部情况的研究,回想亚太财政同享办事中间的计谋,运用SWOT剖析和公司制胜的一系列症结准绳,针对今朝存在的重要计谋成绩和面对的挑衅寻觅处理计划并建议辉瑞亚太财政同享办事中间新的成长计谋,包含计谋理念、目的、阶段、实行办法和保证,从而进一步证实其计谋价值一对公司的增值意义。这些准绳包含:优良的本钱和运营,掌握与合规,客户体验和才能。


Currently, the world's top 500 enterprises face the fierce market competition and cost pressure, the transnational corporations have low cost in the area to establish financial background service center or financial outsourcing to grasp the cost management. In the middle of the European and American Financial Shared Services and outsourcing in the last century, the beginning of the 1990s show that Asia Pacific financial services sharing and outsourcing center in 2000 Ge financial group in big even create represented. Pfizer's financial intermediate ever spread all over the world in Asia, Europe, the United States and three of the eve of the geographical, contains three global financial share in the middle and three global outsourcing center. The middle of the Asia Pacific Financial Services share even in big set up in July 2007, now has five years. The market size of the work of all the countries in the Asia Pacific region, including Australia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China and Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea, China and Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea. Service support to speak diverse, Chinese, English, Japanese and korean. The support of the financial / ERP system is more complex, such as Oracle, SAP, Computron and JDE. Intermediate financial management process consists of receivables and perfunctory receivables, staff travel pan Chuan reimbursement, general ledger and financial statements, affiliate business, fund management, tax accounting and reporting financial accounting tasks. The middle of the Asia Pacific Financial Service Outsourcing and share the existing staff of more than 250 people. Genpact (Dalian) Co., Ltd, she is even the eve of the largest area of financial outsourcing sector is in the middle of the financial business partners, its predecessor is Ge financial groups in the eve of the even of institutions in the background. Superior financial sharing and outsourcing organization operation can complete enterprise and social win-win strategy to make enterprise financial costs to obtain further mastery, fiscal management intensive, financial flow scale, financial data transparent, fiscal operation compliance. Further work has its share of financial and strategic significance of the main. Pfizer Asia Pacific Financial Center in the growth process in the five years has laid a solid foundation, but the same as any other business, in the face of every day can produce a change in the situation, the financial center also can not help but travel in the course of the progress of the results, the growth of resistance and bottlenecks. After all, what kind of advantages and advantages, challenges and opportunities, and how to develop the next step in the middle of the fiscal strategy will become abnormal need. This article through the process of enterprise financial shared services inside and outside the research, recall the Asia Pacific Financial Shared Service Center strategy, application of SWOT analysis and business success of a series of key principles, there is today an important strategic achievement and in the face of provoking seek treatment plan and suggestion of Pfizer Asia Pacific Financial Shared service center new development strategy constitute the whole finding according to, including strategic concept, purpose, stage, the implementation of security measures and, which further confirmed that its strategic value to the enterprise value significance. These principles include: excellent cost and operation, master and compliance, customer experience and ability.

