听力在韩国语这门说话的教授教养进程中一向占领非常主要的位置,“听、说、读、写”四个部门,是韩国语教授教养的根本内容,听力在个中居于首位,是“读、说、写”三部门的条件前提。最近几年来,因为和韩国经济、文明来往日趋加深,国际各行各业对韩国语专门人才的需求量在赓续增长。本研究者从2008年2月开端,在吉林警员学院担负听力学科教授教养已有6年,截止到2014年2月,曾经教过1168名以朝鲜语为专业的先生。在任教进程中,作者发明国际听力教导,特殊是韩国语听力教导实属起步阶段,其研究主要性不问可知。本文以韩国语听力教授教养实际与理论的应用为主题,运用了多种研究办法,对韩国语听力教授教养实际基本、教授教养办法、教授教养技巧、教授教养战略、教授教养手腕等方面停止了剖析阐述,在韩国语听力教授教养的教授教养办法、教授教养战略、教授教养实际、教授教养理论、教授教养中发生的成绩上做了深刻的查询拜访并停止了研究,剖析了招致先生进修质量不外关、教员教授教养质量不外关的几个成绩,并以无益于韩国语教授教养的两年夜实际为基本,联合鲜活的教授教养实例,对于这些实际内容应用准确与否、在韩国语听力教授教养方面形成了如何的作用等成绩停止了深刻的研讨和剖析,进一步提出了有针对性的改良措施和有用建议。本文在必定水平上丰硕了韩国语听力教授教养的材料,充分和完美了韩国语听力教授教养实际在理论应用方面的研究,为一线教授教养的韩国语教员和正斗争在进修前哨的韩国语先生们供给了必定的参考材料。固然在韩国语听力教授教养实际和理论应用相联合这一范畴,依然有很多成绩还没有获得处理,同时,也因为本论文作者时光和才能所限,不克不及对一切这些成绩睁开研究,然则,愿望本论文可以或许给后来的韩国语教授教养者或对此感兴致的人供给一些赞助,让有关方面的研究可以或许赓续成长韩国语听力教授教养,让愈来愈多的人可以或许学难听力,学好韩语。 Abstract: Listening in Korean the speaking teaching process always occupy very important position, "listening, speaking, reading, writing," four departments, is the basic content of the Korean language teaching, listening in medium primacy is "reading, speaking, writing," a prerequisite for third sector. In recent years, because and South Korea's economy and civilization to increasingly deepening, the international industries demand for Korean specialists in ceaseless growth. The researchers from the beginning in February 2008, at the Jilin College of the police officers responsible for listening teaching has been six years, until February 2014, who taught the 1168 to Korean professional husband. In the teaching process, the invention of the listening teaching, especially Korean listening teaching is the initial stage. The research mainly irrespective of sex known. In this paper, Korean listening teaching theory and practice of the application as the theme, used a variety of research methods, on the Korean listening teaching practice, teaching methods, basic teaching skills, teaching strategies, teaching methods and other aspects of the analysis described in teaching methods, teaching Korean listening teaching strategy, teaching practice, teaching theory, teaching achievements made a deep investigation and the research, analyzes the cause several achievements but the quality of the teaching faculty, the quality of learning and to Mr. but not the two Korean teaching theories, teaching examples combined fresh, about the actual content using accuracy, in Korean listening teaching how to influence the formation of And so on, the paper has made a deep discussion and analysis, and puts forward the improved methods and useful suggestions. This paper in a certain level of rich Korean listening teaching materials, full and perfect Korean listening teaching practical theory in the application of research, the Korean front-line teaching faculty and struggles in the outpost of learning Korean gentlemen supply the inevitable reference materials. Although in Korean listening teaching practice and theory by combining the category, there are still many achievements have not get treatment. At the same time, because of the time and ability limit, cannot to all of these questions open research. However, wishes this thesis can perhaps give later taught in Korean education or spirits of the people to provide some support to interested, make relevant research can perhaps the ceaseless development of Korean listening teaching, so that an increasing number of people are perhaps difficult to learn listening, to learn Korean. 目录: 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7 第一章 绪论 10-17 1.1 探讨目的和意义 10-11 1.1.1 探讨目的 10 1.1.2 探讨意义 10-11 1.2 国内外探讨近况 11-15 1.2.1 国内探讨近况 11-13 1.2.2 国外探讨近况 13-15 1.3 探讨措施 15-16 1.4 探讨对象 16-17 第二章 听力训练的内涵 17-21 2.1 听力教学的重要性与必要性 18-19 2.2 听力水平分级与听力技能分级 19-21 2.2.1 听力水平分级 19-20 2.2.2 听力技能分级 20-21 第三章 听力训练的理论依据 21-29 3.1 二语习得理论与第二语言听力教学 21-25 3.1.1 二语习得理论的内涵 21-23 3.1.2 二语习得理论在第二语言教学实践上的运用 23-25 3.2 图式理论与第二语言听力教学 25-29 3.2.1 图式理论的内涵 25-26 3.2.2 图式理论在第二语言教学实践上的运用 26-29 第四章 听力训练中的教学措施与策略 29-40 4.1 听力教学措施与策略的多样性 29-34 4.1.1 听力教学措施 29-31 4.1.2 听力策略训练 31-34 4.2 听力训练中教学措施与策略的应用 34-40 4.2.1 听力教学措施举例示范 34-37 4.2.2 听力教学策略在课堂上的运用 37-40 第五章 听力教学实践中需要注意的问题以及解决措施 40-44 第六章 结论 44-45 参考文献 45-48 致谢 48-49 附录A 49 |