
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
对外汉语教授教养如今是,未来也一向会是中国和中华平易近族的一项巨大事业。若何周全地、有用地睁开这项事业,是值得从事对外汉语教授教养研究和教授教养的学者和教员们尽力商量的一个主要成绩。“对外汉语教授教养用词表”的拟定对对外汉语教授教养来讲是一项异常主要的研究任务,直接作用到教材的编写、词典的编撰和辞汇教授教养年夜纲的制订与教授教养测试。传统的“对外汉语教授教养词表”的拟定多只斟酌到“该教本国先生甚么”、“怎样教”的成绩,侧重汉语进修者对中国社会和文明的懂得,是以多只斟酌汉语方面的语料,并且搜集的语料也多是20世纪90年月之前的,明天看来有些词比拟陈腐、过时,没法完整跟上时期成长的潮水。再说,教授教养理论注解只教会先生若何懂得中国社会和文明是不敷的,也必需教会他们若何用汉语将他们固有认知中的思想表达出来。我们必需熟悉到第二说话也是外交的对象,其实不是仅仅表达汉语或中国是物的对象。由于我们不克不及否认先生有其自己的母语认知,我们也不克不及否认先生的母语认知对他们的汉语进修有着必定的作用,并且可以说简直绝年夜多半的汉语进修者在进修汉语后,仍居留在他们本身的国度,停止与中国人在贸易、文明、经济、学术等的各项外交的运动。加上对外汉语教授教养不只限于中国外乡的汉语教授教养,也包含在进修者母语国停止的汉语教授教养,是以,斟酌进修者的表达须要也就显得特殊地主要。本研究试着从人类懂得和表达的认知层面和外交的实质和生计的须要动身提出了“国别化”对外汉语教授教养的理念和研究偏向,以静态更新的年夜范围汉语和韩语真实语料库为重要的研究资料,不只斟酌汉语进修者在汉语懂得上的须要,也斟酌他们用汉语表达时的须要,将静态式、主动式的教授教养带向静态式、自动式的教授教养。这不只相符教导学的准绳,也相符时期的需求。本研究还提出一个具有针对性的“对外汉语教授教养用词表”必需是在中、外的对外汉语教授教养专家与学者的配合介入下研制出来的,不克不及只限于中国的专家和学者片面的研究。本研究中将“国别化”(country一specific)界定为“针对分歧的国度而实施分歧/异同的汉语的教授教养”。本研究并试着界定对外汉语教授教养中所谓的“词”为“说话中能说能听或用来造句的单元,它普通具有绝对固定的语音情势,是一个在实际外交顶用来懂得和表达,具有“意义充足性”(significant adequacy)和“流利充足性”(fluent adequacy)的说话单元。”所谓“意义充足性”是指是外部联合慎密,意义明白且曾经凝结为一个全体,不克不及随便切分的说话单元;所谓“流利充足性”是指在语音情势上凝结性强,且为人类认知记忆规模内全体输出和输入的一个不年夜不小的组块单元,具有一切“词”和“辞汇”的属性,但包括层面却更普遍。本研究所运用的语料起源分离是北京说话年夜学应用说话学研究所的“静态流畅语料库”;韩国国立国语研究院的“经常使用韩国语语料库”;中国国度汉办的HSK年夜纲。在现实的语料处置和挑选进程中,韩语论文,本研究组织了中国和韩国的对韩汉语教授教养专家的介入,采取了“定量”和“定性”相联合的综合集成的研究办法。全部词表制订的逻辑流程,重要是以“模块”的建构办法操作,以到达简化词表更新的法式,加强词表的更新才能。研究中还设计了三项问卷查询拜访,查询拜访成果作为挑选词语的一个重要参照目标。研究成果显示汉语语料方面共收词8,686个,韩语语料方面共收词1,020个,中国风行语方面共收词36个,韩国特点、风行和弥补词语方面共收词310个,总共收词10,052个。本研究终究的研究目的是藉由“对韩汉语教授教养用词表”的研究提出一套拟定“国别化”的“对外汉语教授教养用词表”的办法论,将对外汉语教授教养从集约型的量化教授教养进一步推向更有针对性的精准型量化教授教养,为进修者“怎样学”供给本质性的指点,也希冀对对外汉语教授教养的实际扶植和教授教养研究有必定的参考价值,对人类的配合认知和说话取得的研究供给些许的


Foreign language teaching is now, the future will always is a great cause of the Chinese nation and Chinese. How comprehensive and useful to open this business, is a major achievement worthy of being engaged in foreign language teaching and research and teaching scholars and teachers to discuss. "The draft of the list of foreign language teaching in terms of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is a very important research task, directly affects the teaching materials of writing, dictionary compilation and speech Department of teaching large classes of formulate and teaching test. Traditional "Chinese as a foreign language teaching vocabulary" intended only to consider "the teaching foreign students very?" and "how to teach" results, focusing on learning Chinese people on China's social and cultural understanding is to only consider Chinese corpus, and collect the corpus is also the 20th century, 90 years before, it seems that tomorrow some words match stale and outdated and can not complete to keep up with the times development tide. Besides, teaching notes only know how Mr. Chinese Church Society and civilization is not enough, also need to teach them how to use Chinese to express their inherent cognitive in thought. We must recognize that the object is actually second speak of diplomacy, not only is the expression of Chinese China or object. Because we cannot deny he has its own native cognition, we also cannot deny Mr. native cognition on their Chinese learning has a certain effect, and it can be said that almost majority of most Chinese learners in learning Chinese, still stay in their own country, stop with the Chinese people in the movement of the foreign trade, cultural, economic, and academic. And teaching Chinese as a foreign language is not limited to China's indigenous Chinese teaching, is also included in the stop learners of native country of Chinese teaching is to consider learners need to express it is special important. This study try to essence and livelihood from the human understanding and expression of the cognitive level and diplomatic needs put forward "country specific" Chinese as a foreign language teaching ideas and research bias, to update the static scope of the eve of the Chinese and Korean corpus is an important research data, not only consider the Chinese language learners in the Chinese know need, also consider their expression in Chinese when necessary, will static type and active type of teaching with to the teaching of static type, automatic type. This is not consistent with the principle of guidance, is consistent with the needs of the period. This study also provides a is for the "teaching of Chinese as a foreign language with a list of required is at home and abroad of Chinese as a foreign language teaching experts and scholars combined with interventional developed out, cannot be confined to the study of Chinese experts and scholars one-sided. This study will be "country specific" (country specific) is defined as "in different countries and different implementation Chinese teaching". The study and try to define the teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the so-called "word" to "talk" to listen to or used to make sentences of the unit, it is ordinary with absolute fixed speech situation, is a practical diplomacy at the top to understand and express, with "adequacy" significant adequacy) and "fluent adequacy of" speaking unit (fluent adequacy). " The so-called "adequacy" is refers to the external combined rigorous. The significance of that and has been condensed into a all, cannot easily segmentation speaking unit; so-called "fluent adequacy" is refers to in the speech situation condensation is strong and block a is not big not small group of human cognition and memory scale of all the input and output unit, with all the "word" and "glossary" attribute, but including level was more common. This study used data origin separation is Beijing Language University use the language research institute "static smooth corpus"; Korean National Language Research Institute "is often used Korean corpus"; China National Hanban HSK Nianye outline. In practical data disposal and the selection process, this study organized intervention of China and South Korea on the Korean and Chinese teaching experts, adopted a "quantitative" and "qualitative" phase combined with the comprehensive integration of research methods. All the vocabulary to formulate the logical process, it is important to "module" construction operation method, in order to achieve simplified list update procedures, strengthen vocabulary for the update to. Study also designed three questionnaires, query an important reference target survey results as selected words. Research results show Chinese corpus received a total of word 8686, Korean language corpus collected words 1020, Chinese popular words received a total of words 36, Korean characteristics, popular and make up words received a total of word 310, collected a total of word 10052. This study after all the purpose of the study is by "on Chinese teaching in South Korea with a list of the research presents a proposed" country "of the" teaching of Chinese as a foreign language with vocabulary "theory, will be teaching Chinese as a foreign language from the intensive quantitative teaching further towards more for the accurate quantification of teaching, learning" how to learn "to provide substantial guidance, also hope to have certain reference value for teaching Chinese as a foreign language teaching actual construction and teaching research, with the cognition of human and speak of the research provides some promise

