
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Praise language (compliment) is widely used in the interpersonal exchange. It is a paired structure, praise - praise response situation now. Through the application of praise and praise language response, can extend the interval between each other, maintain coordinated interpersonal relationship. Is called "the human society smooth agent". So far, many praise and praise around the study to have a response. But most are in Japanese and English, or Japanese and Korean, Vietnamese, Thailand as the research object. The study of Japanese and Chinese, Japanese and Kazak very few scholars. Can say this is the first report on the Japanese and Kazakh language as the object of research. Increasing globalization of today's period, the author to may establish excellent interpersonal, in Japanese, Chinese, Kazakh as the research object, through the analysis of the process of compliment response, inquires the visit the compliment response in Chinese and Japanese HA in three languages in practical application. This paper aims to understand the following two grades. (1) in three languages is a species respond to what kind of praise. These varieties can according to different language and emergence difference? (2) compliment response would praise the basis premise (content praise, social power relations) and emergence difference? If it is, the end will have what kind of difference? In this paper, through the investigation and study, understand the following five points. 1 three party talk invented the "reception", "no", "escape", "combination" and other four varieties. Other, "decline", "escape" the components of equally don't add the two new, namely "desire", and "take into account the others". According to the different language and the whole Japanese "receiving" and "escape response type" more, and Chinese and Kazakh language "escape" and "combined" respond more. Other, examination of the response in the composition of the project is one of the most praise, invented by the Japanese "receive" response "gratitude" for many, "escape response type", the Japanese more emerging "praise", and lots of Chinese and Kazakh emerge "explanation of reason". Chinese and Kazak "combined" in response to the emergence of more "receiving / evasion". 3. In Japanese, the lower the superior can force and temperament stop praise to "acceptable" to respond. In peer to peer relationship praises, for application to "decline", on Application of temperament "evasion", to surface application "receive" response. 4 Chinese Compliment Response is not affected by the social power relations, and on the basis of the emergence of different content of praise. To be praised by "combination", the nature of the "escape", praised the application on the surface of the application of "receiving" response to praise. 5. The Kazakh language, the lower to higher can force ceases to praise, to "combined", temperament stop praise to "escape" to respond. In peer to peer relationship praises, talent and temperament of praise "evasion", in response to the surface by "combination". Visit through the process of inquiry, the author understand what response depends on the occurrence of praise praise premise. Speak civilization associated with close close, in a sense, we can say is that the wrist of civilization. From the angle of civilization to discuss in three languages compliment response, we can see that, no matter what kind of talk is abide by the "harmony" of the truth. Moreover, Chinese and Kazak emerged with the response. I think the reason for this cause with the talk and Chinese bilingual teaching and.

