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资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
中国与韩国事在汗青、地舆、文明、经济、政治社会上均相贯穿连接的特别邻国,中韩友爱建交20多年来一直来往亲密。说话教导作为中韩交换的基本其主要性愈来愈凸起。中国的汉语教授教养任务也正处于一个“走出去”的成长阶段,孔子学院、孔子教室曾经在五洲四海“遍地开花”,海内自愿者项目也随之应运而生,中韩两国也于2012年正式开端协作实行CPIK(Chinese Program in Korea)自愿者项目,欲借此项目将汉语教授教养推行至韩国的各个中小黉舍。面临海内汉语进修者向低龄化成长的趋向,对儿童的汉语教授教养势必在对外汉语教授教养任务中饰演越来越主要的脚色。本文以国际外既有的对外汉语教授教养研究为基本,从说话学、心思说话学、儿童心思学、儿童说话成长、第二说话习得等学科实际动身并联合亲自海内教授教养经历,经由过程查找研究材料,韩语论文,对韩国全罗南道地域的小学汉语教员自愿者和韩国全罗南道务安郡玄庆小学先生停止问卷查询拜访,对韩国外乡汉语教员停止访谈,与玄庆小学英语教员及英语外教停止教授教养交换等办法商量了针对韩国儿童展开汉语教授教养应留意的成绩。本文依据对换盘问卷的剖析,归结论述了韩国全罗南道地域小学汉语教授教养情形,提出全罗南道地域小学汉语教授教养中仍存在的成绩;然后从儿童说话成长到第二说话习得特色方面临比了儿童母语习得与二语习得的差异,儿童与成人第二说话习得的分歧,进而略论了韩国儿童汉语进修的特色和优势和优势;依据上述的实际支撑和现实教授教养情形整顿了对韩国儿童停止汉语说话要素教授教养进程中的难点和教授教养战略;最初对合适韩国儿童的汉语教授教养形式停止了商量,提出了“以工资本”的教授教养、“寓教于乐”的教授教养和“文明渗透”的教授教养三年夜教授教养形式框架。愿望本文可以从实际和理论上弥补以往对韩国儿童汉语教授教养研究中的缺乏,为海内儿童汉语教授教养任务的蓬勃成长尽到菲薄之力。


China and South Korea in the history, geography, culture, economy, politics and society are all connected to the special neighbors, China and South Korea established diplomatic relations over the past 20 years has been close. Speaking teaching as the basic of China and South Korea exchange is more and more important. Chinese teaching task is in a growth stage of "going out", Confucius Institutes and classrooms once everywhere in the world, the domestic volunteer project also arises at, China and South Korea also in 2012 officially beginning cooperation to implement cpik (Chinese program in Korea) volunteer project, trying to take advantage of this project will be Chinese teaching practice to South Korea's all primary and secondary school happen. Overseas Chinese education faces to the age of development trend, on children's Chinese teaching is bound in the foreign language teaching task plays more and more important role. The to the existing Chinese as a foreign language teaching and research as the basic, from learning to speak and thought of learning to speak, children psychology, speak to the child grow, the second language acquisition subject actual start and personally overseas teaching experience, through the process of finding the research material, of South Jeolla Province, South Korea regional primary school Chinese teacher volunteers and South Korea Luo Dao provided Junxuan Qing primary school students questionnaire investigation, Korea mainland Chinese teacher to stop the interview, and Xuan Qing primary school English teachers and English teachers stop teaching exchange way to discuss for Korean children start Chinese teaching should pay attention to the results. Based on the analysis on the questionnaires, discussed down South Korea South Jeolla region primary school Chinese teaching situation, put forward south Jeolla province regional primary school Chinese teaching still exist in the results; and then from the children talk to second growth characteristics than the acquisition of speaking Pro Children's first language acquisition and the similarities and differences between the two language acquisition, and children second adults speak acquisition differences, and then analyzes the Korean children learning Chinese characteristics and advantages and advantages; according to the actual situation of the support and practical teaching of the rectification of Korean children speak Chinese stop teaching difficulty and strategy in teaching process; first to appropriate Korean children Chinese teaching form stopped discuss, put forward "to pay the" teaching and "edutainment" teaching and "civilized" Professor Three teaching forms of teaching. Hope this article can from the theory and the practice make up for previous lack of Korean children's Chinese teaching and research, as the rapid development of domestic children's Chinese teaching tasks as to thin.

