
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Teaching Chinese as a foreign language at gengxu growth and to the Chinese as a foreign language teacher brought greater provocation, also put forward more requests, quality on the quality of foreign language teaching Chinese as a foreign language teacher plays a quite important role. In the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, the teacher is the main factor that influence the effect of teaching, the men and women in language expression, emotion, cognition, morality and willpower, characteristics all have differences, is to male and female teachers in specific teaching also have its advantage and advantage. This article to "analysis of the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language in male and female teachers teaching" as the research subject, in their own in South Korea of Chinese as a foreign language teaching theory in the process of the query visit male and female teachers differences said as the research corpus, to discuss the male and female teachers in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language with difference, and supplemented by a questionnaire survey to explain practical achievement. This paper from many aspects compared to the men and women of Chinese as a foreign language teacher teaching, combined with existing research results reminded teacher gender of Chinese teaching effect, male and female teachers in the teaching result difference important representation in the disposal of teaching content, said of Mr. reaction, classroom verbal expression, organization of the classroom, teachers and students relationship. It is combined with the questionnaire survey results, summed up in the foreign language teaching, several grades male and female teachers widespread: male teachers own heart is strong, easily contaminated with Sir, but too solemn hard, lack of female teachers affectionate feeling; male teachers strong independence, good processing performance, but the emotion easily shaken, as well the female teacher to have patience; male teachers common interest, wide range of knowledge, but the durability research in a particular aspect of female teachers than male teacher long; rich sense of humor, the classroom atmosphere is absolutely lively, but the palm grip is poor, female teachers on the teaching of all the better control; male teacher actions speak to slightly lower than female teacher. In view of the above results, the reference to relevant literature, stop the discussion of four steps, namely classroom observations recorded, lesson summary, questionnaire inquiry visits, questionnaire result analysis, initially according to the ancient and the teaching idea and teaching Chinese as a foreign language teaching present situation, analyzed and put forward sound to be processing method, namely, the balance of Chinese as a foreign language teacher sex ratio in the detailed teaching plays the important role of the. This is the focus of discussion in this and the futility of the growth of current foreign language teaching make up.

