
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


In the 19th century to the end of the 20th century before half, Japan for violation of the Korean Peninsula in the vastness of patriots, common sense is left his hometown and fled to the neighboring country of China. At the junction of Manchuria and Korea Peninsula, is not only convenient arrived, and it has long been the Anti Japanese activities compared to active areas, than in other areas of China were more likely to be Korean desperate and plain near the space shift. In this era, the Korean writers who had had the experience of Manchuria have described the Manchuria and Chinese people in Manchuria, from the perspective of the other, from the perspective of the other. Is a Korean writer with the Manchuria experience as the theme of the work has become the subject of domestic and foreign scholars, the understanding of the other in the eyes of the Chinese abstract play a major role. However, only through the process to Manchuria experience for his material to master Chinese abstract lack of personality, is the will to other regions of Manchuria as the background of creation works as the research object, analysis of emerging in ancient Korean literature has a wide range of Chinese abstract. In the late twentieth Century and early nineteenth Century China began to enter the historical stage of urbanization, and 1930 years, China and South Korea in the history of the special era of growth, not only suffered internal violations, but also to bring the growth of urbanization. Cities are the product of ancient civilization, with Shanghai as the representative cities in China about is still in the pre modern society of Korea is a mirror, it is South Korea has not had, but extremely fascinated the ancient civilization. In the ancient Korean literature, the city must be a literary space set by the Korean writers. Twentieth Century 20-40 years of Korean literature, the emergence of Chinese cities in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang,, Nanjing and other large will be compared. Recently, along with the Korean literature exchange continuously strengthened, deepen ceaselessly to emerging in Korean Ancient Literature of Chinese abstract of research, especially in full of the Korean people for "Manchukuo" village, landowners and other research has been serious results. But, whether in China or South Korea, the Chinese city of South Korea's ancient literary works in the abstract of the whole study has yet to be deepened. This paper intends to navigate through literary text, analysis Chinese cities in South Korea literary works in the 1930s abstraction. It is pointed out that in the eyes of the Korean writer as the other cities in China Abstract characteristics, and combined with social actual, the abstract characteristics and history of Chinese abstract compared. This paper discusses the relationship between the abstract and the historical and cultural context of the text, and analyzes the writer's understanding of the other and the reasons for the occurrence of this kind of familiar. Trust through the process of this study to enhance the cultural exchange between China and South Korea has a certain role in promoting.

