古代汉语中特有语法构造包含能够补语,在中国人平常外交中经常会被用到,同时在汉语作为第二说话教授教养的进程中;补语体系是一个既庞杂又主要的语法常识点,个中能够补语一向以来都是本国先生进修进程中的难点地点。自己在与韩国留先生交换中,有感于留先生对汉语能够补语习得不睬想的情形,对汉语能够补语本体和教授教养应用停止了研究。本文分为五个部门:1、第一章为绪论,商量了选题的目标、意义、内容及研究状态,并提出成绩。2、第二章引见了能够补语的本体情形,并将能够补语分类,研讨各类的外部构成成份、语义特点及其运用差别等。进而在此实际懂得的基本上,基于“HSK静态作文语料库”中的韩国粹习者加入高级汉语程度测验时的作文为语料,统计剖析出能够补语四类的习得次序,提出语法教授教养进程中要看重习得次序。3、第三章经由过程试验查询拜访的措施,经由过程实证剖析的手腕,验证韩国留先生习得能够补语的年夜致次序和纪律的准确性,为下一部门迷信的支配能够补语外面分歧类型的涌现次序做试验根据。4、第四章从对外汉语教授教养现实动身,针对语料剖析和试验研究成果提出了教授教养应用,个中包含教授教养目的、教授教养重难点、教授教养办法和教授教养进程等的全体设计,并在这以后设计出了详细的教授教养案例。5、第五章对前几部门做出了总结,并指出了本文有待改良和晋升的处所。 Abstract: Ancient Chinese peculiar grammar structure contains to complement, in Chinese ordinary people diplomacy often is used, also in the Chinese as second language teaching process in; complement system is a is complicated, mainly the grammar knowledge point, the medium can complement has always been is difficulty place of foreign students in the learning process. Their in and South Korea left Mr. exchange, responding to leave Mr. of Chinese can complement acquisition is not ideal situation of Chinese can complement ontology and teaching with research. This paper is divided into five parts: 1, the first chapter is the introduction, discuss the topic, significance, research content and target state, and put forward the results. 2, the second chapter introduces the main body case can complement and complement, will be able to explore all kinds of external classification, composition, characteristics and application of semantic difference. And then actually know basically, "HSK dynamic composition corpus" in South Korea to learn who joined the senior Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) composition based on corpus, statistical analysis can complement the acquisition order, the process of grammar teaching in to value the acquisition order. 3, the third chapter through the test investigation method, through the empirical analysis of wrist verify South Korean left Mr. acquisition can complement induced by the accuracy of order and discipline, a science department control can complement outside of different types of emerge in order to do the test according to the. In Chapter 4, from foreign language teaching set out actually, against a corpus analysis and the experimental research results proposed the use of teaching, including teaching objectives, teaching emphasis and difficulties, teaching methods and teaching process of all design, and in this to design the detailed teaching case. 5, the fifth chapter makes a summary of several departments, and pointed out the need for improvement and promotion. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 第一章 绪论 7-12 1.1 探讨的目的和意义 7 1.2 相关综述 7-11 1.2.1 名称 8 1.2.2 句法 8-9 1.2.3 语义 9-10 1.2.4 语用 10 1.2.5 教学 10 1.2.6 问题的提出 10-11 1.3 语料来源 11-12 第二章 韩国留学生可能补语句使用略论 12-31 2.1 可能补语分类的相关探讨 12 2.2 可能补语各类别语义特征 12-20 2.2.1 “V得/不C” 13-15 2.2.2 “V得/不得” 15-17 2.2.3 “得/不/了(liao)” 17-18 2.2.4 可能补语固定结构 18-20 2.2.5 小结 20 2.3 韩国留学生在HSK动态作文语料库的可能补语习得情况统计 20-29 2.3.1 “V得/不C”习得情况 20-24 2.3.2 “V得/不得”习得情况 24-25 2.3.3 “V得/不了(liao)”习得情况 25-27 2.3.4 可能补语固定结构习得情况 27-29 2.4 小结 29-31 第三章 实验调查 31-35 3.1 实验调查的基本情况 31-32 3.1.1 教学调查的时间 31 3.1.2 教学调查的方式、对象及内容 31-32 3.2 调查结果统计略论 32-33 3.3 习得顺序 33-34 3.4 小结 34-35 第四章 可能补语略论在教学中的运用 35-46 4.1 可能补语的教学情况略论与总结 35-36 4.1.1 教材与教学设计调查略论 35-36 4.1.2 教学建议 36 4.2 可能补语教学设计 36-39 4.2.1 教学目标 36-37 4.2.2 教学重难点 37 4.2.3 教学措施 37 4.2.4 教学准则 37-38 4.2.5 教学策略 38-39 4.3 可能补语教学案例 39-46 4.3.1 课型 39 4.3.2 教学对象 39 4.3.3 教具 39 4.3.4 教学内容 39-46 第五章 结语 46-47 5.1 本文小结 46 5.2 本文的不足点 46-47 注释 47-48 参考文献 48-50 附录1 50-51 附录2 51-52 致谢 52 |